



Feature #5159


Ability to add Non-Member watchers to the watch list

Added by Jason Trahan almost 15 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Target version:
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We currently have over 4,000 employees in our company. We would like the ability to add a watcher to the list without having to add them to the actual project. Since there are over 30 projects currently in our system maintaining a watcher list is becoming a nightmare because the project managers are having to constantly add the employees to the reporter list so that they can be added to the watch list.


add_watchers.png (8.6 KB) add_watchers.png Jean-Philippe Lang, 2012-01-09 19:41

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Patch #6226: Add multiple watchers at once and add any redmine user as a watcherClosed2010-08-26

Related to Redmine - Feature #9942: Allow non-members to watch issuesClosed

Related to Redmine - Feature #11724: Prevent users from seeing other users based on their project membershipClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Related to Redmine - Defect #15123: "Add watcher" leaks all active usersClosed

Related to Redmine - Defect #30370: No validation when adding watcher who is not in this projectClosed

Related to Redmine - Patch #16133: Available watchers on new issue form include users who cannot even view issuesClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #6065: Display/add/remove watchers that are non-members on a projectClosed2010-08-06

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #3448: Add issue watcher that isn't a maintainerClosed2009-06-04

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #4889: Ability to CC users not assigned to a project, but with project view rightsClosed2010-02-21

Actions #1

Updated by Jon Lumpkin almost 15 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by Stephen Fuhry almost 15 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Stanislav German-Evtushenko almost 15 years ago

It would be very nice!

Actions #4

Updated by Stanislav German-Evtushenko almost 15 years ago

I do workaround at the moment, but it's quite useless:
1. Add user to project.
2. Add him as watcher.
3. Remove user from project.

Actions #5

Updated by Arnaud Martel almost 15 years ago

I did a quick patch to fix this on my server. I'm pretty sure that Jean-Philippe and Eric will have a nicer solution but, in the meantime, this one works for me...

First, edit the file app/views/watchers/_watchers.rhtml and insert the following text at line 21:

<% if @project.is_public? %>
<br>or email: <%= text_field 'email_watcher', :size => 80 %>
<% end %>

you should have something like:

<p><%= :user_id, (watched.addable_watcher_users.collect {|m| [,]}), :prompt => true %>
<% if @project.is_public? %>
<br>or email: <%= text_field 'email_watcher', :size => 80 %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_add) %>

Next, edit the file app/controllers/watchers_controller.rb and insert the following text at the start of the new function (line 40):

    if params[:email_watcher]
      wuser = User.find_by_mail(params[:email_watcher][:size80])
      if wuser
        params[:watcher][:user_id] =

you should have something like:

  def new
    if params[:email_watcher]
      wuser = User.find_by_mail(params[:email_watcher][:size80])
      if wuser
        params[:watcher][:user_id] =
    @watcher =[:watcher])

Final step: restart your web server and it should work as you like...

Actions #6

Updated by Enrique Delgado over 14 years ago


Aranaud: Okay so if I understand correctly, with your patch you can add a watcher based on the email, as long as that email matches a redmine user? How about any email address? More like a "CC" field? Maybe Jean-Philippe and Eric can consider this functionality...

Actions #7

Updated by Arnaud Martel over 14 years ago

You're right: with my patch, emails have to match a redmine user. As you have seen, redmine_cc_addresses plugin seems to be a better choice for you...

Actions #8

Updated by Eric Seigne over 14 years ago

Did you see #6226 ?

Actions #9

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago

  • File add_watchers.png add_watchers.png added
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
  • Target version set to 1.4.0
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Feature added in r8592.

Watchers can now be added via a dialog box. It displays project members by default and you can use the search field to search for other users. Multiple users can be added at the same time.

Actions #10

Updated by Jason Trahan about 13 years ago

Thank you very much. This will be a tremendous help.

Actions #11

Updated by Jason Trahan almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened

It appears I can only add the watchers after the ticket is created. It would be nice to be able to add them at the time of ticket creation.

Actions #12

Updated by Terence Mill almost 13 years ago

+1 to add groups as well

Actions #13

Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

Jason Trahan wrote:

It appears I can only add the watchers after the ticket is created. It would be nice to be able to add them at the time of ticket creation.

See related issue #9500#note-3.

Actions #14

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

Jason Trahan wrote:

It appears I can only add the watchers after the ticket is created. It would be nice to be able to add them at the time of ticket creation.

Added in r9254.

Actions #15

Updated by Fernando Hartmann over 12 years ago

I don't understood how this work !

  • Added one watcher user to a issue in with no permission on that project.
  • Posted some update to a issue
  • Users registered to that project received a email notification
  • Other watcher user didn't received nothing
  • User with no perms on the project didn't have access to a issue

How this feature is supposed to work ? Is there some docs about this ?

Actions #16

Updated by Maxim Kim over 12 years ago

This change caused a major problems at least for us.
We let our customers to add new issues and watchers. And now our customers can see other customer names, which is inacceptable!
Could you please add asap setting to switch off this feature.

My personal opinion is that right solution was to add permission "can be non-member watcher" as someone suggested earlier.

Actions #17

Updated by Enrique Delgado over 12 years ago

Arnaud Martel wrote:

You're right: with my patch, emails have to match a redmine user. As you have seen, redmine_cc_addresses plugin seems to be a better choice for you...

Just as a follow up: thanks Arnaud, I did end up going the redmine_cc_addresses route. I also like the new feature. Maybe to ease Maxim's concerns, some permissions need to be established so that some projects allow watchers from non-members, while some projects do not.

Thanks all for all your fine work.

Actions #18

Updated by Daniel Hochman over 11 years ago

We are running BitNami Redmine 2.3.1 and I am not able to see users in the watchers list unless they are a member of the project. The Projects are "public" so these users have access. We are using the "Watchers Textinput plugin" - is that causing this issue? Before using that plugin, we had a long list of checkboxes.

Actions #19

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago

  • Related to Defect #15123: "Add watcher" leaks all active users added
Actions #20

Updated by Beni Bilme about 11 years ago

We are using bitnami redmine stack for redmine 2.3.3, and watchers function is not working unless the watcher is project member.

Actions #21

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 11 years ago

Beni Bilme wrote:

We are using bitnami redmine stack for redmine 2.3.3, and watchers function is not working unless the watcher is project member.

You need to search in text box.

Actions #22

Updated by Daniel Hochman about 11 years ago

No, this is a bug. I am having the same issue as Beni and we are no longer on bitnami stack. This issue needs to be re-opened as a bug. You cannot add watchers who are not members of the project after issue creation.

Actions #23

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 11 years ago

Daniel Hochman wrote:

No, this is a bug. I am having the same issue as Beni and we are no longer on bitnami stack. This issue needs to be re-opened as a bug. You cannot add watchers who are not members of the project after issue creation.

If it is on only bitnami, please contact bitnami.
If it is on clean Redmine, do not re-open this issue, create new issue.

Actions #24

Updated by Daniel Hochman about 11 years ago

OK thanks. Filed #15622

Actions #25

Updated by Go MAEDA over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #4889: Ability to CC users not assigned to a project, but with project view rights added
Actions #26

Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago

  • Related to Defect #30370: No validation when adding watcher who is not in this project added
Actions #27

Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago

  • Related to Patch #16133: Available watchers on new issue form include users who cannot even view issues added

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