Feature #5457
Move files and documets to another project
Like issues, it will be cool to switch document from one project to an other.
If we can do that massively, it will be more cool :)
Related issues
Updated by Mark Anderson almost 15 years ago
Might be nice to be able to either MOVE or COPY those documents. Sometimes we may want multiple non-related projects to have access to some common documents.
Updated by Darryl Winder almost 15 years ago
+1 , same goes for files and moving files between wiki pages
Updated by Paul Merlin about 14 years ago
Seems like a must have when you need to refactor a redmine setup that is years old and has plenty of them ...
Updated by Paolo Montrasio almost 14 years ago
This would be useful also on new project.
I ofter start with a single wiki page and divide it into more pages as the project goes on and the development team understand which structure is more appropriate for the wiki.
I just created a new page and had to move attachments from the home to there. I googled how to do it and found this feature request.
I eventually did it by changing the container_id attribute in the attachments table.
As a reference, here is what you need to do to move one attachment from one page to another.
select * from projects where identifier = '...'; select * from wikis where project_id = ...; select * from wiki_pages where wiki_id = ... and title = '...'; -- the source page select * from wiki_pages where wiki_id = ... and title = '...'; -- the destination page select * from attachments where container_id = ...; -- the source page id from wiki_pages update attachments set container_id = ... where id = ...; -- the destination page id and the attachment id
Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago
Anything new on this feature-request? This would be a very useful feature: when a project grows and you allow additional users to co-work you might wish to move documents to a restricted-access sub-project.
Updated by Robert Schneider about 9 years ago
How can I do this manually? Just updating the document table? Has anyone done that?
Updated by Go MAEDA over 8 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #14869: Move Documents added
Updated by Vladimir Gorin almost 6 years ago
+1 Will be cool to have one file in the redmine for the different projects.
For now users downloading files from one project and then uploading back to another one.
will be great to use attachment: through all projects and for the files have option like private or cross project available by direct mention through "attachment:"
Updated by Stephane Moreau 2 months ago
Because this feature has never been done, I created a plugin for this:
But I would prefer to be integrated into Redmine code.