Feature #5920
closedUnify and improve cross-project views layout
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Recently I started using Redmine with many projects inside (~100), and I found cross-project views not really easy to use :
- only accessible by "Projects" link in top menu
- there you have a list of your projects with contextual links which are not really contextual, but lead to other "sections" (view all issues, overall spent time, overall activity)
- when you click on one of those links the layout changes completely : no more contextual links, you have heterogeneous sidebars
- you cannot go to an other of the first "sections" without re-clicking on "Projects" at the top (or doing an "Previous page" in the browser to go back there..)
- a tiny (but maybe unrelated) annoying thing for me : when you don't have any project using time tracking module, you should not see "Overall spent time" link anywhere
Imho it's a notable usability defect if you need those cross-project informations. I leave a patch where I just modified views and added a "cross-sidebar", which should be displayed on each of those pages. It's not perfect at all (maybe to much "h3" sections for instance..). Consider it as a possible start point for the discussion.
Let me know what you think.
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