Feature #3224
closedBetter project list
As project managers, we are going to project list page 100x per day. This page need some improving, because it's very frequently used in some companies, like as. Imagine, we have more that 100 projects, so now it's a bit uncomfortable to walk thru very long list of projects.
Some ideas/recommendations:- Split list into several columns - now we have very narrow but looong list, and we need to scroll & scroll...
- Favorite projects or "last used" projects. It should be great to have ability to mark some projects as my favorite and filter them, or there can be such an automated list of projects, on which I have been active in last 14 days (time period configurable)
Different views can be put into tabs, or movable boxes like on "My page".
What others think?
Related issues
Updated by Zarooba Rozruba almost 16 years ago
I have 200+ public projects. Each project has own group of people. Hence my ideas/needs are:
Can 'My Page' list projects I am involved in? (not just my issues + watched issues + issues assigned to me)
Can there be issue list that shows all issues, but only in projects I am involved in?
Updated by Toni Kerschbaum almost 16 years ago
Some time ago I made the dame request: http://www.redmine.org/issues/2117. Maybe the tickets could be merged/linked?
Unfortunately, the request didn't get any attention, so I ended up modifying the projects view into a nested table ( which broke with the update to 0.8 due to the new project model).
So, naturally: +1
Updated by Caroline Boisson | Altic almost 16 years ago
Same issue, even if we're not at 100 projects per day.
+1 for "my project" on "my page"
but also for folder tree somewhere on the "project"page
Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago
- Recently Active
- Latest Projects
Limit the display to x amount of projects with a button/link to view more
And then a filter at the top with some options such as:- Category
- Project Status
Project managers would of course have to fill in the above for their own projects.
Categories would probably need to be set by the administrator and project managers can select from a list.
Alternately, the categories could be defined by project managers to create a tag cloud.
Updated by Olivier THIERY over 15 years ago
After only a few months, we are getting lots of projects too. A project tree is a good idea, but a bit too limited to our opinion.
What would be great is a project list with filtering and grouping features similar to those already existing on tickets lists. We have heavily extended the projects configuration with custom properties, though it's not perfect yet. So the ideal filtering and grouping features on projects should be able to handle both standard and custom properties.
Updated by Eugniy Belyaev over 14 years ago
Also, I would like project list to be more informative: tickets/version summary (like jira), status(open/closed/etc)
What should we do to have this ticket done?
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Terence Mill about 13 years ago
There is a plugin which will do it:
Updated by Eric Voisard about 13 years ago
Updated by Paul Mureev about 13 years ago
Split list into several columns - now we have very narrow but looong list, and we need to scroll & scroll...
All of us has wide displays, columns are really required to avoid long scroll.
Also I think it will be good to move "hot" projects on top. (I mean projects I accessed more often during last 30 days)
Updated by fred white over 12 years ago
also will be great to integrate "chosen" for the select list, in order to look into the list by typing the project directly
check the transform of the standard select into the chosen select it will be awesome
Updated by Den Iskandarov over 12 years ago
Have some major projects as containers with smaller subprojects.
list of subrojects is endless. so on main projects page it needs to scrol to find major project container.
And what about main project overview where it lists suprojects? How many lines of listing does it has?
"Projects" and project's "Overview" pages need expend/collapse features.
And needs some well designed search or jump-list for projects.
+1 for:
also will be great to integrate "chosen" for the select list
solves search/jump-list problem
Updated by Sebastian Hucke over 12 years ago
+1, very urgent feature for internal company use.
We definately know the descriptions of our projects... would be nice to see some informative data instead (overall progress, status, spent time etc.). Would be even nicer if sub-projects were collapsable per parent node.
Updated by Stéphane POTTIER over 12 years ago
It would be great to personalize the project list by using custom field on projects in blocks (group by, order by).
Updated by Bruno Spyckerelle about 12 years ago
And I would add that the ability to extract a list of projects matching some criteria (as we do with actions reports) is also necessary.
Updated by Ilya Tsemenko about 12 years ago
+1 to issue, and to Sebastian Hucke & Stéphane POTTIER.
Updated by Dmitry Babenko about 12 years ago
Checkout Progressive Projects List plugin. It aims to provide a better project list.
Updated by Den Iskandarov about 12 years ago
we are using redmine for any kind of project management
some kind of bureaucratic daily new projects for employees
some technical projects for tech team with daily tasks update
usability for now is "terrible" with such long project list, and long task lists under each project.
but we still using redmine because this soft is one of the greatest open source projects!
add some kind of max entries per page, +pages 1,2,3,...etc
Updated by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago
+1 The current solution is very unuseful.
Updated by Cédric B almost 12 years ago
try to use http://redminecrm.com/projects/favoriteprojects/pages/1 work for me on Redmine 2.3
(not perfect but ajax refresh tool is really usefull when searching into many projects)
Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 12 years ago
I'm totally in with this thread, and willing to help improve this, probably not for 2.4.0, but maybe for the next one (will depend on what we do and feedback...). I like the idea of a more structured view for the project list, it might be far better when you have 100+ projects.
Can any people interested in this kind of view try this plugin: redmine_better_crossprojects and tell me what they think ? There's a screenshot on the plugin page. It's still a work in progress :- the fact that the list is filtered in pure-JS and not AJAX is probably not a good idea with 500 projects for instance...
- the activity section is also purely experimental, though I use it in production at work
- the view is fragment-cached, precisely because of the activity thing, which may not be desirable for redmine core
Updated by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago
Jean-Baptiste, very promising solution! I will wait for the release!
Updated by Bruce Svare over 11 years ago
My company is using: https://github.com/ande3577/redmine_another_my_projects which I find to be a rather nice intermediate solution. Each user can choose from three different view. 1) All projects, 2)My Projects, 3)Favorite Projects. This can be easily changed by clicking on links int the sidebar. Favorites can be added by opening project and clicking add to favorites. This has proven useful to manage our 200+ project instance.
Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 11 years ago
I have created the Project Sections plugin, which does some things of the requested above. In particular, it splits the project list into sections.
- Something like the folder tree, mentioned by Caroline, is represented by the jumb box, which is put on top of the project list.
- The plugin resembles much, what was described by Mike K.
- I believe, this plugin can potentially resolve issues described by Den Iskandarov.
Of course, it does more than just altering the project list. Its main goal is to allow categorizing projects and, therefore, replacing dummy projects, which are used as categories.
See: http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/project-sections/wiki
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago
- Related to deleted (Feature #3174: Project category tree)
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #3174: Project category tree added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #6319: project categories added
Updated by Kent Ou over 11 years ago
I revised serval lines code in 2.3.3 to get this effect. It works for me to manage around 30+ projects without much scrolling.
Parent Project A
Sub Project 1, Sub Project 2, Sub Project 3, ...Parent Project B
Sub Project 1, Sub Project 2, Sub Project 3, ...
1) edit /2.3/app/helpers/projects_helper.rb, remove line 58~61 to hide project descriptions.
if project.description.present?
s << content_tag('div', textilizable(project.short_description, :project => project), :class => 'wiki description')
2) edit /2.3/public/stylesheets/application.css, add float and clear at line 431~432 like below.
#projects-index ul.projects li.root {margin-bottom: 1em; clear:left}
#projects-index ul.projects li.child {margin-top: 1em;display:block;float:left}
3) restart Redmine.
Updated by 旭 張 almost 10 years ago
We need this feature too!
We wanna design a status for projects, according to the statuses, to split projects into several columns.
Updated by Zer Guz over 9 years ago
+1 Should be more similar to administrative projects list
Updated by Jean Louis over 9 years ago
+1 (have also hundreds of projects and subprojects)
plugin "administrative projects list" is not enough unfortunately
plugin "project_section" not yet updated for Redmine 3.x
old plugin "favorite_projects"
plugin redmine_another_my_projects not yet validated on Redmine 3.x
I think it lacks maybe a filter for this project list for each user account
maybe a first level overview (as I see it in overview of each project) in the global projects list
- Project A
- Subproject A-1
- Subproject A-1-1
- ...
- Subproject A-2
- ...
- Subproject A-1
- Project B
- Subproject A-1
- Subproject A-2
- ...
- ...
may be :
[Project List]
Subprojects: Project A, Project B, ... (and maybe a user filter here?)
Issue tracking
In fact, to do this for me, I have created a top project "global" and my default redmine projects URL is not "domain.tld/projects" but "domain.tld/projects/global" and I see global overview !
Greetings, JL (french user).
Updated by Sebastian Paluch almost 9 years ago
I would say that "Projects" page should be just like an issue list, with filters, custom queries, parent hierarchy, configurable columns, etc.
Currently, I'm using this plugin but it has small issues and they don't have the best support.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #22121: Add a quick search of projects in Projects page added
Updated by Kush Suryavanshi almost 9 years ago
I second Sebastian Paluch. Please bring filter capacity to Projects page - along with export option to pdf\csv.
Updated by Francisco Vega over 8 years ago
Hello Guys. I'm new on this.
As far as I see, is a must to improve the project lists. What can be done is to include:
- Programs
- Portfolios
Also, it could be useful to have fields like Area or Department to filter the projects.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #6655: Add filter for projects view page added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to deleted (Feature #22121: Add a quick search of projects in Projects page)
Updated by Pablo Kycina almost 7 years ago
Just some ideas:
1. A possibility to to create bookmarks to projects and views (e.g. Issues in subproject1/subproject21)? The most suitable place to place these bookmarks seems to be left from the search and jump to project boxes.
2. Redmine's treelike view of the projects and subprojects (displayed after navigating to site/project URL) could be expanded also for subprojects (e.g. URL site/project/subproject1 or URL site/project/subproject?view=tree).
Updated by Samuel BOHN almost 6 years ago
May I suggest to add tagging functionality to projects
It could be added with act_as_taggable_on, or written from scratch.
it will let people customize their tags regarding their own corporate structure, each tag could have a separate color associated to it.
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #29482: Query system for Projects page added
Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version deleted (
Candidate for next major release) - Resolution set to Fixed
Maxim Krušina wrote:
- Split list into several columns - now we have very narrow but looong list, and we need to scroll & scroll...
Implemented in Redmine 4.0.0 (r15910).
- Favorite projects or "last used" projects. It should be great to have ability to mark some projects as my favorite and filter them, or there can be such an automated list of projects, on which I have been active in last 14 days (time period configurable)
Bookmark and "Recently used projects" were implemented in Redmine 4.1.0 (#31355).
Since the latest version of Redmine has both requested feature, I am closing this issue.