



Feature #7349


Per-project email notification settings

Added by Max Khon almost 14 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Email notifications
Target version:
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% Done:


Estimated time:


It should be possible to configure email notification settings per project (with global notification settings be the default for new projects).

So that it is possible to use the same redmine installation for e.g. development and support tasks (with different e-mail notification settings for dev. and support projects).


project_notifications.diff (17 KB) project_notifications.diff Denis Malinovsky, 2011-02-08 11:36
project_notifications.diff (16.9 KB) project_notifications.diff Denis Malinovsky, 2011-02-09 05:48
project_notifications-3.diff (16.9 KB) project_notifications-3.diff Denis Malinovsky, 2011-02-09 07:08

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #4015: Make app settings overridable at project levelNew2009-10-10

Related to Redmine - Feature #8241: Advanced notification: per user, per project configurable schedule, event filter and notification formatNew2011-04-28

Related to Redmine - Feature #1853: Make Projects truly independent of each otherNew2008-09-04

Related to Redmine - Feature #13742: Multi project for email incomingClosed

Related to Redmine - Feature #4462: Per Project Emission AddressNew2009-12-21

Related to Redmine - Feature #23565: As a project admin I need to be able to set notification rules at the project level based on a role.New

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #3452: Per project email notifications settings panelClosed2009-06-05

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #6080: Email Nofitication Setting for ProjectClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #19047: Email notification per projectClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Denis Malinovsky over 13 years ago

Here's somewhat dirty patch for this issue.
  • It creates new ProjectSetting model,
  • migrates global notification settings for each project,
  • adds project notification settings page with following options: Emission email address, Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc), Plain text mail (no HTML), Emails header and Emails footer.
Actions #2

Updated by Denis Malinovsky over 13 years ago

Fixed a bug with settings migration—didn't take into account global settings may not be exist in database yet, now it's loading configuration defaults as well.

Actions #3

Updated by Denis Malinovsky over 13 years ago

One more bug fix—made project notification settings table structure identical with global settings.

Actions #4

Updated by Kyeongmo Cho over 13 years ago

This is not work with System Notifications plug-in.

Actions #5

Updated by Adrian Rotaru almost 12 years ago


Actions #6

Updated by Julian S. Luipold over 11 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Premysl Vohnout over 11 years ago

This would very interesting feature. +1

Actions #8

Updated by Eric Brüggemann over 11 years ago

Anyone tried this patch with Redmine 2.2.3?

Actions #9

Updated by Jonas Götze almost 11 years ago

+1 Very useful. My Reporters are quite confused because they need to send the email to create tickets to another adress than the one notifications are coming from.

edit: I think this plugin might support it - I will try:

Actions #10

Updated by Vikram Lele almost 11 years ago

+1 very useful feature.

I have different roles in different projects, and may not want same level of notifications in all the projects.

Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

  • Related to Feature #6176: Email Notifications per project added
Actions #12

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Feature #6176: Email Notifications per project)
Actions #13

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

Actions #14

Updated by antoine tanguy over 10 years ago

this code into app/models/mailer.rb

def mail(headers={}, &block)
     headers.merge! 'X-Mailer' => 'Redmine',
             'X-Redmine-Host' => Setting.host_name,
             'X-Redmine-Site' => Setting.app_title,
             'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'OOF',
             'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated',
             'From' => Setting.mail_from,
             'List-Id' => "<#{Setting.mail_from.to_s.gsub('@', '.')}>" 
     if @issue
       headers.merge!('From' => "[#{}] - #{Setting.mail_from}")

seems to do the tricks

Actions #15

Updated by [ Desperados ] over 9 years ago

is this trick working with 2.6.x ? thanks

Actions #16

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #6080: Email Nofitication Setting for Project added
Actions #17

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

Actions #18

Updated by dominik ch over 9 years ago

For all people looking for specific e-mail address per project, code above just adds project name to "From" field. To change email address we need to add custom field for project and add it there. Following works:

  def mail(headers={}, &block)
    headers.merge! 'X-Mailer' => 'Redmine',
            'X-Redmine-Host' => "#{Setting.host_name}",
            'X-Redmine-Site' => Setting.app_title,
            'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'OOF',
            'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated',
            'From' => Setting.mail_from,
            'List-Id' => "<#{Setting.mail_from.to_s.gsub('@', '.')}>" 

    if @issue
      new_name = "#{} [#{Setting.app_title}]" 
      headers.merge!('From' => "#{new_name} <#{Setting.mail_from}>")
      new_mail = @issue.project.custom_field_values[0].value
      if !new_mail.nil?
        if new_mail.length() > 5
          headers.merge!('From' => "#{new_name} <#{new_mail}>")

To avoid wrong email addresses I used regexp for field:


That way I forced to use something from our domain too :)

It checks if there is value of first custom field for project (in my case it was first) and then alters From address. It works for latest 2.6.x redmine, and it's quite simple. All You have to do is to configure that additional project field and fill it with different email if needed. I think there is more e-mail comming out of project (like news or something) but this one covers almost all of my needs.

Actions #19

Updated by [ Desperados ] over 9 years ago

does it work with redmine 3? thanks

Actions #20

Updated by Mutsu Yakumo about 9 years ago

Hello, I hope someone can help me.

I have different Projects where created Tickets.
And I need for every Project another emission Address, for Updating the Tickets.
I tried so much things, but nothing work…

I’m using Bitnami Redmine Version 3.1.0-0

I hope someone have a reason for my Problem.

Actions #22

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 8 years ago

  • Related to Feature #23565: As a project admin I need to be able to set notification rules at the project level based on a role. added
Actions #23

Updated by Aleksandar Pavic over 7 years ago

On which version of Redmine does patch work with?

And +1 for this feature

Actions #24

Updated by Ilya Prokazov about 7 years ago


need ability to specify different mail-from address for different projects
Is this plugin actual?


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