Feature #8579
closedMultiple file upload with HTML5 / Drag-and-Drop
It would be nice to upload multiple files via selecting more than one file at a time in the file selector or having drag-and-drop. This could be implemented with the following example.
I will likely come up with a patch for this in the next day or so.
Related issues
Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago
Should be optional, because some browsers don't support html so far
Updated by Vitaly Sergeev over 13 years ago
Jim Mitchener wrote:
I will likely come up with a patch for this in the next day or so.
We need your patch.
Where I can get it?
Updated by Daniel Marino over 13 years ago
Is there an update on this ticket? I also think this would be a very nice feature for Redmine... I often have to upload multiple files at a time on a single issue.
HTML5 Drag and Drop would be nice, but I don't it's necessary. It would be a step forward just to have another anchor tag for multiple file upload that triggers a javascript prompt asking how many files you'd like to upload, and have it show that many file input fields.
Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago
+1 for drag-and-drop
The answer to this:
...looks promising.
Though I never knew you could just drag and file onto any old file upload input control. That's cool. And honestly, kinda makes the whole HTML5 drag-and-drop file craziness seem a little underwhelming.
Updated by Paul Mureev about 13 years ago
+1 for drag-and-drop (Regsitred to do this post)
It is extrimly time consuming to add multiple files to the wiki page or regular ticket.
I believe this part of HTML5 supported by latest versions of all browsers already.
Google mail do this way a long ago.
Please add to the next release.
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Paul Mureev about 13 years ago
2 Etienne.
Thanks man.
You know this feature is one that most of users will use every day. The rest features are also important and helpful, but they will be used not so often or not so many number of people.
Looking forward to see this feature in next release.
Updated by Loïs PUIG about 13 years ago
What about plUpload ?
I personaly use it and it is very scalable as he's using many runtimes :
Allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.
Updated by Pavel Vorobiev almost 13 years ago
A necessary feature, please include in the next release!
Updated by ex vito almost 13 years ago
Updated by Pavel Kholyavkin over 12 years ago
looking forward to use this feature!
Updated by Hisham Al-Shurafa over 12 years ago
Safari 6.0 now supports drag and drop on file upload buttons. I just tested it on redmine and it works great. So this ticket is now a mute point if you are using Safari 6.0. And I bet other browsers will follow.
Updated by Paul Mureev over 12 years ago
This ticket not for paste single file path to file edit box.
You know if you copy some file from email attachment, this will not work
It is really required to MULTIPLE copy paste files, and start upload immidiatly to save daily effort.
Updated by Allan Story de Almeida Martins over 12 years ago
+ 1 for drag and drop
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 2.3.0
Updated by Etienne Massip about 12 years ago
This feature has been implemented and merged into trunk with r10977 but would require some feedback from the community if you can to make sure it doesn't break with some browser versions we've not been able to test with.
Thanks for your time if you can!
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Fixed
Updated by Andrey Evdokimov almost 12 years ago
this feature not added into 2.3-stable :(
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 12 years ago
Andrey Evdokimov wrote:
this feature not added into 2.3-stable :(
Yes it is. Please note that it won't work with browsers not supporting multiple file upload like IE9.
Updated by Maik Lindner almost 12 years ago
Multiple files upload works. Thank you very much. But drag'n'drop does NOT work in 2.3-stable. Tried Firefox 19.0.2 and Chrome 25.0.1364.172 m. Sorry, my fault!! Dropped it in the text box and not on the file button. Works like charme now!!
Updated by Andrey Evdokimov almost 12 years ago
Thanks guys, you were right. Cause of error - "Redmine Attach Screenshot" - http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_attach_screenshot_2
Updated by Sławomir Kaimakami almost 12 years ago
Tell us more, how to use it drag and drop feature?
I tried many ways in Chrome, but it does not work for me. Where exactly should I drop the file? To what text field? Should I be in edit or in view page of issue?
Updated by Sławomir Kaimakami almost 12 years ago
Sorry -my mistake.
I was using version 2.2, not 2.3.
Updated by YongKi Kim almost 12 years ago
- File _form.html.erb _form.html.erb added
Redmine Attach Screenshot causes error on ajax upload feature. I googled all sites, but there were no clue. Finally I digged workround by myself!! I want to share this joy with yours.For workaround please copy attached hot-patch to the directory :
- plugins\redmine_inline_attach_screenshot\app\views\attachments
Updated by Filou Centrinov over 11 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #9065: Allow to add multiple files to issue from one file browser window added
Updated by Matthew Houston over 11 years ago
YONGKI HONG Kim - You are the greatest, I had just upgraded to 2.3.2 last night and the complaints were already coming in. This patch worked as described.
1. Stopped Redmine (Thin) service
2. Copy new patched file
3. Restart service
Working great! Loving the new file add functionality.
Using Redmine 2.3.2 with the latest inline_screenshot plugin
Updated by William Roush over 11 years ago
YongKi Kim wrote:
Redmine Attach Screenshot causes error on ajax upload feature. I googled all sites, but there were no clue. Finally I digged workround by myself!! I want to share this joy with yours.
For workaround please copy attached hot-patch to the directory :
- plugins\redmine_inline_attach_screenshot\app\views\attachments
Sorry about not getting that patch there, I really need to see about getting this plugin to properly use hooks instead of replacing the entire view. :\
Even if I had to do something nasty like a Javascript swap out to get it into the right spot on the page, better than this version compatibility issue.
Updated by Pavel Potcheptsov over 10 years ago
After upgrade to 2.6.0 users reported they they couldn't attach files with drag and drop in Chrome browser.
But in Firefox it still works.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #6942: Upload files from a folder added