Feature #9180
closedImprove search system for issues - like "context specific search"
When you have a project with many tickets, both the basic keyword search or to filter tickets does not help much.
Something along the lines of advanced search known from forums would be very useful.
This means to apply the search only to a specific set of tickets.
One possible approach could be to respect the current filter settings in the issues view when using the search from that context.
Thanks for the consideration.
Related issues
Updated by claude g over 12 years ago
I am also not completely satisfied with search possibilities as it is.
I think this Feature could be added in issue filter: it is currently possible to add a filter with 'subject' 'contains' (or not) a string.
This feature could be to add the same possibilities with :
- the description,
- the full history.
This way, we could able to search for example among trackers 'Bug' with state 'Opened' assigned to 'me' with wanted string.
Updated by Ewan Makepeace over 12 years ago
I have two installations with respectively 7000 and 5000 issues, and here at Redmine.org we are over 12000. With that volume the existing search tools are woefully inadequate. The whole point of making people record things in Redmine (rather than email exchanges or Skype chats for example) is to create a searchable body of knowledge - of documentation. But what I am finding is that increasingly I am unable to find issues that I know are in the database.
We have been so spoilt by Google and its incredible intelligence that the rigid logic of Redmine's search now feels positively archaic. I do not believe it to be within the reach of the Redmine team to properly address this search question and so I think we should be looking to bolt on one of the existing search frameworks such as http://www.elasticsearch.org/
The challenge will likely come in making sure search results obey the security rules - so that you don't get a search result listing an issue that you don't have access to....
Updated by Terence Mill about 12 years ago
I must agree here also. Search is all about and could be done much better.
Example i hit right away:
I wanted to search all realted issues to my "new issue" and got overloaded in sarch results with closed issues.- The issues view needs a inteligent way to search and filter in description (e.g )
- The standard search needs better ranking, e.g by metrics score- see lucence for exmaple
- The standard search need bread crumbs for content type , e.g search issues by status and author, search wiki sites below parent, search documents in category.
#5840 - Live lookup of the existing issues based on the keywords entered in the title for new issue
Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago
Terence Mill wrote:
I must agree here also. Search is all about and could be done much better.
Agreed. The search could be filtered better. For example, it's very hard to find open issues, which match some search pattern.
I could do this in two ways. The first is by using the search and manually skip all issues with a close icon.
The second way is... I just try to apply several filters and search for issues which match my concern.
The right way, would be to define a search, with several conditions.
Terence Mill wrote:
Example I hit right away:
I wanted to search all realted issues to my "new issue" and got overloaded in sarch results with closed issues.
- The issues view needs a inteligent way to search and filter in description (e.g )
- The standard search needs better ranking, e.g by metrics score- see lucence for exmaple
- The standard search need bread crumbs for content type , e.g search issues by status and author, search wiki sites below parent, search documents in category.
Agreed too.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 11 years ago
- Related to Defect #15781: Customfields have a noticable impact on search performance due to slow database COUNT added
Updated by Danil Tashkinov almost 11 years ago
With this plugin http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_elasticsearch
you can use queries like this one
"Find all issues created in october 2013 by sergey or danil with elasticsearch text":
_type:issue AND created_on:[2013-10 2013-11] AND (author:sergey OR author:danil) AND elasticsearch~
Updated by Go MAEDA 8 months ago
- Related to Feature #38402: "Any searchable text" filter for issues added