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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
30796 Redmine Feature New Add a category field in support tracker 2019-02-13 10:32 Custom fields Actions
30775 Redmine Feature New Build-in analog SCM_Creator 2019-02-27 06:58 SCM Actions
30773 Redmine Feature New Enhance issue workflow - viewing, adding or deleting files 2019-02-08 09:30 Issues workflow Actions
30757 Redmine Patch New LDAP Contextless login in Active Directory 2019-02-13 22:28 Accounts / authentication Actions
30739 Redmine Patch New Project Custom Fields configuration : split by tracker 2019-12-10 19:02 Custom fields Actions
30733 Redmine Feature New Keep submitted form data when updating an issue with an expired authentication token 2022-10-25 14:41 Accounts / authentication Actions
30730 Redmine Patch New [Revision view] Place link to add a related issue next to the heading 2019-02-15 18:12 UI Actions
30729 Redmine Feature New Warn or block the accidental update of inline images that are attachments. 2019-02-05 10:01 Attachments Actions
30728 Redmine Defect New Issues Note id changes when changing order in account preferences 2019-01-31 15:15 Issues Actions
30713 Redmine Defect New Remove diff-feature for changed descriptions due to privacy concerns 2019-02-03 07:46 Issues Actions
30512 Redmine Defect New Search results with wiki formatting 2019-01-28 18:17 Search engine Actions
30510 Redmine Defect Confirmed Bad Project's page Form 2019-02-12 11:21 Projects Actions
30491 Redmine Defect New Project#short_description may return a too long string 2019-01-25 01:55 Projects Actions
30486 Redmine Feature New Convert all jQuery to ECMA Script 2019-02-10 17:53 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
30485 Redmine Feature New Make activity type project dependant instead of redmine global 2020-05-29 13:53 Time tracking Actions
30484 Redmine Defect New Copying of project does not copy Project assigned Time tracking Activities 2019-01-23 12:41 Project settings Actions
30483 Redmine Feature New Ability to hide issue elements in PDF export. 2019-01-23 12:31 PDF export Actions
30477 Redmine Feature New user self registration: allow combination of email validation and manual approval 2019-01-22 08:09 Accounts / authentication Actions
30476 Redmine Feature New Split up the 'save custom query' form on wide screens. 2019-01-21 18:12 UI Actions
30471 Redmine Feature New Move "Default columns" checkbox on the query edit page from "Options" to "Columns" fieldset 2021-02-02 09:13 UI Actions
30462 Redmine Feature New Update Developer Guide for Redmine 4 2019-01-18 14:16 Documentation Actions
30451 Redmine Patch New Move #main-menu outside of the #header to follow directly after the #header insetad 2019-01-23 23:23 UI Actions
30440 Redmine Defect New Custom Key/value List restrained with text length 2019-01-16 13:16 Custom fields Actions
30433 Redmine Patch New Flash notices to behave like flash notices :) 2019-01-29 10:52 UI Actions
30429 Redmine Feature New Automatic language detection in syntax highlighting 2019-01-16 09:45 Text formatting Actions
(976-1000/4773) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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