Plugins Directory » All plugins (1181)
This plugin allows to configure a certain “Done Ratio” for some Issue statuses, while keeping the ability to manually set it. It therefore implements what is asked for in #6975 (the "Issue Done Ratio Both" plugin mentioned there does not seem to exi... |
By Jens Krämer
Plugin to show the number of assigned issues on favicon with badge, using favico.js. |
By Akiko Takano
Hide selected core issue fields from specific roles You can select to hide any of the fields |
By Jens Krämer
Redmine issue from message plugin¶Plugin allows to create issue from forum message in user selected project Possible actions¶Plugin adds two extra actions to each message:
Add description history to issues. You can diff current version of description with previous versions |
Provide configurable hot buttons for often used actions like "Assign to Me", "Tested", "Resolved", etc. Also provide special "Time tracker" hot button to more simple tracking working time and buttons "Next Issue" and "Previous Issue". |
Create issues from Excel sheets¶To create issues in any projects go to that project click on Import Issue and update the Excel /Spreadsheet file from which you want to create issues. It uses default configuration. You can also download... |
A plugin to filter out issues in which the current user is involved. A user is involved in the issue if he/she either is the author of the issue, or is assigned to the issue or has updated the issue at least once. Adds “My involvement” filter for... |
By Alex Shulgin
This plugin adds a link left of the other issue links (Edit, Copy), that creates a subtask of a specific tracker. |
Redmine plugin to format issue list Modifies issue lists that use Query helpers. Shows issue status on issue relations. Requires redmine >= 3.0.7 |