



Results (18047)

Help: RE: Test Email Fails | Google Workspace SMTP Relay
Hi Jeremy, Jeremy B. wrote: > Hi All, > ... and it's been sending emails happily without issue. The emails have recently begun to fail (on ... redmine controller best regards, Lorenzo 2021-05-31 09:27
Open discussion: RE: Allow additional URL-schema for linking to redmine tickets
Chris Volkert wrote: > > If i can change t ... r to acceppt AND everything would be fine. > > Can ... need a systen admin if you have one. thanks 2021-05-31 02:08
Open discussion: RE: Calendar management with holidays
As far as i know there's no such a feature. I ... lculation should happen. Did you mean during issues relations with _precedes_ and _follow_ relations? 2021-05-31 01:22
Help: 500 Error after migrating data to new instance 3.2 -> 4.0
I'm trying to migrate my data from an older i ... 15: <% end %> 16: 17: <% if @issue.safe_attribute? 'assigned_to_id' %> 18: ... signed_to_id, principals_options_for_select(@issue.assignable_users, @issue.assigned_to), :include_blank => true, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('assigned_to_id') %></p> 19: <% end %> 20: 21: <% if @issue.safe_attribute?('category_id') && @issue.project.issue_categories.any? %> app/models/role.rb:223 ... ect.rb:554:in `assignable_users' app/models/issue.rb:934:in `assignable_users' app/views/issues/_attributes.html.erb:18:in `block in _app_views_issues__attributes_html_erb___775154800353400985_7 ... .rb:1249:in `labelled_fields_for' app/views/... 2021-05-27 13:20
Plugins: RE: redmine drawio plugin, new custom library
I need to verify the code used to start the d ... to activate the menù option. Please open an issue in "GitHub":, it is more easy for me to be informed on requests and bugs related to this plugin. 2021-05-26 07:55
Help: Test Email Fails | Google Workspace SMTP Relay
Hi All, I have had a Redmine build running ... and it's been sending emails happily without issue. The emails have recently begun to fail (on ... umns.html.erb (3.6ms) Rendered settings/_issues.html.erb (9.1ms) Rendered settings/_att ... sping at straws. Thanks again... Jeremy 2021-05-26 02:03
Help: Custom field - Values not captured in History/Follow up
We are currently facing this issue in Redmine: Any change made to the Redmin ... the History. For example, when a state of an issue is changed from New to In progress, the actu ... /Followup. Can someone here help fix this issue? Thanks in Advance! 2021-05-25 13:39
Help: Issue update e-mail notifications missing, incorrect issues binding
I am using Redmineup with config as below. I ... ems: # missing e-mail notifications about issues updated by e-mail (for issue owners / watchers). E-mails notifications ar ... oming e-mails responses sometimes create new issues, despite issues' numbers are given in e-mail repsonse. This ... e. About 1 of 20 e-mails with given existing issue's number in the topic wrongly creates new issue instead of binding and reopening existing issue. It worked before the update. The Redmine ... 2.1.2 > redmine_questions 1.0.2 2021-05-24 09:10
Help: Increase decimal digits in customised fields
Hello, does anybody know how to increase the ... stomised field that appears when showing the issue information. Now it shows only two decimal digits. Thanks in advance. 2021-05-23 22:45
Plugins: RE: Not Found After Adding SAML Plugin
Disregard I found the issue. 2021-05-21 23:41
Open discussion: RE: How copy/paste an image in a message
I have the same issue described above. I already work with Redmin ... or in order to copy image in Base64? Fabio 2021-05-21 09:49
Plugins: Errors with plugin installation on redmine 4.x
Hi, I recently migrated a redmine installatio ... went wrong. We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly." How could I troubleshoot the problem? /George 2021-05-19 14:45
Help: RE: Disable "Description updated (diff)" upon issue updates 2021-05-19 13:55
Help: RE: Disable "Description updated (diff)" upon issue updates
+1 In my case it would be enough to have some html switch/tick box in the issue, e.g. "Hide updated", that would just hide a ... updated (diff)_ messages under History of an issue. So the real history in server db would stay ... them from the users view in the browser. 2021-05-19 13:27
Help: RE: Restrict the view of notes by roles
I have gone in the way of allowing subtasks to be created and restricting the view issue using roles. 2021-05-19 08:17
Help: Restrict the view of notes by roles
Hi, Is it possible to restrict the view of ... ess analyst, developer and tester. Given an issue exists which is visible to all users of thes ... n any user with the role developer views the issue then the notes made by other developers is t ... e to see the notes of developers and testers. 2021-05-16 18:57
Help: RE: Cannot remove old trackers: "This tracker contains issues and can't be deleted"
they read) but issue doensn't seem to be critical) related thr ... ards/2/topics/23245 my solution is to update issues table in mysql(mariadb): <pre> update issues set tracker_id='YYY' where tracker_id = 'XX ... able it will be possible to clean it from UI. 2021-05-15 21:17
Help: Is "updated_on" field in issues updated when journals are added?
Hi, since in this page ( is not explained, I was wondering if the field "updated_on" of "Issues" is updated also when someone adds a new Journals (for example, if the status of the issue changes) Thanks Alberto 2021-05-13 23:32
Open discussion: Server-sent events for refresh part of page
Hi, I tried quite long time to developed solution how automatically refresh issue's notes without refreshing whole page. I ... ich use gem deface and automatically refresh issue list and my page after 120s... But I thi ... e How I imagine it can works - focused on issue-detail page: On server running "services" who listen changes on issues (create issue, update issue, ...). If issue is new, then work as normal (like now). If issue is updated, then check attributes which was ... v #history, show tab History and Changes If issue is updated, then check attributes which was ... best regards David EDIT: here is link on issue There is complete describe how I'm thinking about this problem. 2021-05-12 12:33
Help: RE: How to make an issue with limited visibility
Hi Ivan thanks for your reply. 'Redmine ... e functionality. > My case is - a private issue (created by me), and I want make it visible ... as default From above: > All non private issues: the user can see all issues which are not marked as private. This is th ... happens if you change that user to type: > Issues created by or assigned to the user: the user can only see issues created by or assigned to her/him. 2021-05-10 19:41
Help: RE: Redmine 4.2.1, Passenger, and SELinux
I was able to figure this out. The issue was that the default install of Passenger pa ... it to use the newer version installed by RVM. 2021-05-10 18:54
Help: Issue autorefresh
Hi guys, Im tryin to found solution for autorefreshing notes in Issues. Problem is, that I don't know how to fix problem with variable number of issue. Any ideas, how to make autorefresh for notes? What I mean: 1) Im staying on issue detail page 2) somebody add note to the same issue 3) after few moments (for ex. one min) auto ... on somenthing. Only I stay on detail page of issue. <pre> Environment: Redmine version ... s? :-) Thank you for your time. David 2021-05-10 14:47
Help: Problem status cannot be modified
> Hello, I just met a very speechless thing, ... , and I wonder if there is any solution. > *issue_statuses* > > ! ... se to check "close the question" > > > *issues/2/edit* > > ! ... turn it on and off > > *projects/radmine/issues/new* > > ! ... ose one to open. . And can't choose to close? 2021-05-10 14:06
Help: Cannot browse SVN repository - 404 error
After installing Redmine inside a Debian 10 V ... oes anyone have an idea how I can solve this issue? I'm assuming it is not a bug but an incorrect configuration or permission setting somewhere. 2021-05-09 13:03
Open discussion: RE: Allow additional URL-schema for linking to redmine tickets
Hello, thanks for your answer. Your sec ... r to acceppt AND everything would be fine. Can you show me how to do that? I use the latest redmine VM. 2021-05-07 14:59