



Feature #3952


Filtering by subproject still shows current project's issues

Added by Rahul Vaidya over 15 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Issues filter
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Set a filter for Subproject is <subprojectname>. The current parent project's issues will still be shown. Issue seen in trunk.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #5388: Filtering by subproject seems to not workClosed2010-04-27

Related to Redmine - Defect #8853: Filter on subproject does not workClosed2011-07-19

Related to Redmine - Defect #41193: Incorrect time calculation in subprojectClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Defect #29596: Filter by subproject not workingClosed

Follows Redmine - Defect #2512: Subproject filter do not workClosedMischa The Evil2009-01-15

Actions #1

Updated by Ewan Makepeace over 15 years ago


[This has been previously been flagged as by design in #2512 - but I feel is a mistake. Personally I need to be able to view subproject issues and exclude those not assigned to any subproject. This is currently impossible - moreover the current behavior is extremely counter intuitive since the filter field clearly says you should only be seeing subproject issues, and so this will continue to be reported as a bug I suspect...]

Actions #2

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
Actions #3

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

I've changed this to be a feature request instead of being a defect (a new design-change is requested).

Actions #4

Updated by Nigel Jones almost 15 years ago

I ran into this bug immediately after adding a subproject to an existing project - it makes subprojects less useful

Actions #5

Updated by Gerry Hawkins over 14 years ago

(running 1.0.1)
I disagree with the 'this is not a bug, but by design' response.
If you read the from the filter UI: "Show issues where the status is open and the subproject is B", where B is a subproject of A and I am doing this filter in A, I expect to see issues that are open and only in subproject B.

I appreciate the comment that if I want to filter to see just issues in the sub project I should go there, but I feel that the UI as it exists misrepresents what is probably a more common expectation. "is" implies equals. If you changed the all/none/is pull down to be all/none/including/excluding then I would say the UI and workflow would be OK. But still not what I would like. ;-)

Actions #6

Updated by Terence Mill over 14 years ago

In general you sould be able to search and filter all tickets in the current project you are at the moment and its subprojects.

There are 3 search type one would use in this context.

  1. Search in current project and its siblings
  2. Search only in current project without its siblings
  3. Search in a specific subproject (of current project and) its siblings > this excludes all tickets above the subproject till this project going upwards the tree
  4. Search in a specific subproject (which belongs to current project) without its siblings

1. is possible by default and 3. can be achived by junping to subproject and doing as in 1.

How can 3. and 4. be achieved at the moment?

Actions #7

Updated by Kevin Palm about 9 years ago


Actions #8

Updated by Go MAEDA over 8 years ago

  • Category changed from Issues to Issues filter
Actions #9

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 8 years ago

  • Related to Defect #8853: Filter on subproject does not work added
Actions #10

Updated by Phil Valentine about 7 years ago


I too was bemused when my filter did not do as I expected.
Filter say show me things that are:

With this setup I did not expect to see issues that were related to the parent project.

Actions #11

Updated by Marius BÄ‚LTEANU almost 6 years ago

  • Has duplicate Defect #29596: Filter by subproject not working added
Actions #12

Updated by Nat D about 2 years ago

As manager of multiple projects monitored by my business unit (having its project parent of mines), I would like to filter (only) on these projects and not on the current one.

I thought that there is no way to filter with "OR", only "AND" and this behavior looks like an "OR" filter: current project OR subproject = "my subproject"...

Actions #13

Updated by Holger Just 7 months ago

  • Related to Defect #41193: Incorrect time calculation in subproject added

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