Feature #6666
openSoft delete of issues
Currently, deleting issues from the system results in their permanent deletion from the Remine database. From a tracability perspective, this is not ideal. Perhaps a setting to decide whether deleting na issue should hard delete it from the database, or soft delete it (such that it is recoverable through some mechanism) would be useful. In the case of soft deletions, you could also have an administrator option to "purge" the database of soft deletions, essesntially hard deleting them.
Related issues
Updated by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
You can use a status called "rejected" for example for issues that were not acted upon but that should not be deleted.
Updated by Anonymous over 14 years ago
I think he means that they would be removed from the users view (a rejected issue would still appear with strike out) and the admin can bring it back.
Kind of like a trash bin for issues.
I agree a bit with the safety buffer, but I solved it mostly by disallowing anyone but admins to delete issues...
Updated by Doug Barth over 14 years ago
We accidentally had one of our issues permanently deleted. I disabled the delete issue option for now, but I second the request for a soft delete within the system.
Updated by Fares Abdullah almost 13 years ago
This caused a small crisis for us. We couldn't easily roll back to the last hourly backup either, as we'd lose all new changes in the last hour.
The "delete" button is too easy to hit as an admin in a moment of distraction thinking you cliked another button: "click - press enter - poof gone". See #8942
Updated by Deoren Moor about 12 years ago
Had someone do this today and it would have been great to have this feature to fall back on.
Updated by mnredmine mnredmine over 11 years ago
Fares Abdullah wrote:
The "delete" button is too easy to hit as an admin in a moment of distraction thinking you cliked another button: "click - press enter - poof gone".
Exactly! I did this on friday. I know It's my fault but who on earth has designed such an awful UI and no "trash bin"?
Updated by Lázaro Hermoso over 11 years ago
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #1380: Deleting an issue only marks it as being deleted added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #7900: Restore issue added
Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago
Lázaro Hermoso wrote:
+1. It is useful in case of deletion mistake and shit happens.
Hard to believe this issue is still open. Here a comment in a issue was the intention of the deletion, and the whole issue ended up deleted. No-rollback, un-delete, soft-delete? Def useful option. No neg on the RM UI, it just requires a little tweak.
Updated by Luciano Barcellos almost 11 years ago
+1. I've just joined the group of those who made a deletion mistake. I was trying to remove just a comment, too.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #16465: Feature needed to show deleted tracker & can add them again added
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of deleted (Feature #16465: Feature needed to show deleted tracker & can add them again)
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 11 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #16465: Feature needed to show deleted tracker & can add them again added
Updated by Igor Panassiouk over 10 years ago
Useful and sometimes necessary feature.
I use many roles in my installations and "Project Manager" and/or "Project Admin" should have a permission to delete issue.
But for QA and audit purposes I'd prefer to restore and move such issues to special project, for example.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #18027: Notification when deleting an issue added
Updated by Rob Taft almost 10 years ago
+1 Just accidentally deleted a ticket thinking I was deleting a duplicate comment. There was no division between the last comment and the delete.
Updated by Matthew Palencia over 9 years ago
I hope this will be fixed.
Had a bad time this 'delete' button today.
It looks like delete a comment, but it deleted the whole issue,
the bad thing it's physical delete :(
Updated by pee pee over 9 years ago
I thought the delete button was for the update (it is located under the last update!!) and whoops my whole issue and al its updates are gone!!
please fix!!
another tip/request: the "edit" button should better be called "update", I initially thought it was for editing the issue descrition (the first colored part of the issue, before the updates)
Updated by Go MAEDA about 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #21618: Seperation of delete with physical delete added
Updated by Fred B about 8 years ago
How can we emphasize more.. This needs to be fixed.
I just lost 3 issues and there nos way top know wjhat happen and restore them back!
Updated by Ignacio Soler over 7 years ago
added 7 years ago ... it's starting to stink ...
Updated by Jason Togneri over 7 years ago
+1, I've also done the deleted comment thing where I deleted an issue by mistake (only once so far though). Would love to see this feature, or at least a safety mechanism of some sort. Any hope?
Updated by Karl Wilbur over 7 years ago
It seems that this is a duplicate of #1380, which itself is over 9 years old.