Feature #7623
"Create and continue" should default issue fields to previous issue's values
Added by Victor Sergienko about 14 years ago.
Updated about 8 years ago.
When creating a bunch of issues, I'd probably like to file them to a same target. It would make sense to pre-fill not only Tracker, but maybe all fields with values of previously created issue - except for Subject and Description.
It makes sense to me to pre-fill:
- Assignee
- Category
- Priority
- Target version
- (maybe) Due date
- Watchers
- any custom fields
May be "Create and continue" should remain as is, and new button to be added: "Create from this":
- Create and continue - continues with blank issue
- Create from this - continues with new issue filled with the contents of the current one
Ivan Khrustalev, why multiplying entities? Do you have a use case that reasons these two cases?
After some re-thinking, I'd say you are right. 'Create and continue' may create this issue and the open new issue with the data of this issue. If one want new blank issue, the he/she may press 'New issue' at the project menu.
- when I click on "copy", some field-data get copied correct, but only Status "New" and the actual Status of the base-issue is selectable.
- when selecting "Create and continue" the appearing issue-edit-form has all status selectable, but no field-data from the base-issue is copied - which would be the expected behavior, when continuing the copy-function.
I'm using following environment:
- Redmine version 2.3.1.stable
- Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
- Rails version 3.2.13
- Environment production
- Database adapter MySQL
I would like to see this too.
I get around it by setting the fields I want to preserve in the GET parameters of the URL before I submit an issue, so for example:
Then after submitting the issue, I press the browser's back button to get back to the above URL so I can enter another issue with those same fields pre-filled.
- Related to Feature #22012: "Create and continue" with different forms: Re-use values added
- Has duplicate Feature #4097: Batch issue creation: keep previous selected values in the new issue form added
- Has duplicate Feature #15549: Remember previous selections when creating multiple issues added
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