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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
29184 Redmine Patch New Add home to the application menu 2020-12-09 18:32 UI Actions
29164 Redmine Feature New Make the terms overwrite from the Redmine administration screen. 2019-05-29 06:06 Administration Actions
29158 Redmine Defect New API don't shows value label of a costum field 2018-07-01 02:16 REST API Actions
29128 Redmine Defect Needs feedback API: Issue Relation create does not work 2018-06-28 09:36 REST API Actions
29094 Redmine Defect New Email reply looses indentation in pre-block 2023-02-07 04:11 Email receiving Actions
29069 Redmine Defect Needs feedback API reports wrong date for time spent if issue start date is greater than spent_on date 2018-07-03 09:12 Time tracking Actions
29048 Redmine Feature New Wiki page permission level 2018-06-22 17:19 Wiki Actions
29043 Redmine Defect New Dropdown Project Search list is sorted in weird order 2018-06-18 05:25 Projects Actions
29034 Redmine Feature New Option to collapse/expand issue sections 2024-07-02 20:27 UI Actions
29027 Redmine Feature New Add more structure to the issues view by using tabs 2018-06-14 22:59 UI Actions
29023 Redmine Defect New Can't see subtask created in a issue 2018-06-13 04:06 Issues Actions
28969 Redmine Feature New Search titles only: make configurable or remember last value 2018-06-06 11:33 Search engine Actions
28967 Redmine Defect New could the RESTAPI be used in the plugin with auth again? 2018-07-03 16:40 REST API Actions
28953 Redmine Defect New Issue content gets lost if user deletes an attachment 2018-07-11 11:12 Issues Actions
28947 Redmine Feature New Show the existing attachments on the wiki editing page 2018-06-27 07:57 Wiki Actions
28916 Redmine Feature New Can export the Gantt to a colorful, one color for each member? 2018-05-31 08:48 Gantt Actions
28882 Redmine Defect Confirmed GDPR compliance 2021-05-11 05:59 Website ( Actions
28871 Redmine Defect New Adding the window AD activity directory to verify redmine permissions is failed 2018-05-27 04:18 Actions
28868 Redmine Feature New Add Close/Reopen button on admin#projects page 2018-05-24 02:30 Administration Actions
28865 Redmine Defect New Group items by project in version type custom fields 2020-12-01 17:07 Custom fields Actions
28861 Redmine Patch New Add a date item to the context menu 2020-02-19 08:39 UI Actions
28829 Redmine Feature Reopened Add right-click context menu to the contextual area of an issue 2018-09-15 11:47 UI Actions
28823 Redmine Feature New Multi-format markup for text fields 2023-03-02 11:00 Text formatting Actions
28819 Redmine Feature New Issue visibility: issues where custom field=certain value 2018-05-19 16:44 Custom fields Actions
28807 Redmine Defect New Cannot search in a case-insensitive manner 2018-05-28 04:39 Actions
(1101-1125/4768) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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