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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
28829 Redmine Feature Reopened Add right-click context menu to the contextual area of an issue 2018-09-15 11:47 UI Actions
28823 Redmine Feature New Multi-format markup for text fields 2023-03-02 11:00 Text formatting Actions
28819 Redmine Feature New Issue visibility: issues where custom field=certain value 2018-05-19 16:44 Custom fields Actions
28807 Redmine Defect New Cannot search in a case-insensitive manner 2018-05-28 04:39 Actions
28793 Redmine Defect Confirmed Redmine replaces tabs with spaces in code blocks 2020-07-27 15:07 Text formatting Actions
28773 Redmine Defect New PDF export does not display most Vietnamese characters. 2018-05-19 16:32 PDF export Actions
28771 Redmine Patch New Allow adding multiple entities when performing multiple searches in modals 2018-05-22 06:28 UI Actions
28724 Redmine Feature New Reset the API key when changing/resetting user passwords? 2024-08-17 08:22 Accounts / authentication Actions
28705 Redmine Defect New 403/Not allowed on issue view for non member users 2018-05-08 11:02 Permissions and roles Actions
28678 Redmine Feature New Alow to filter projects where the specific role is used 2018-05-05 09:24 Projects Actions
28672 Redmine Defect New Browsing of single file projects using SVN does not work 2018-05-02 13:12 SCM Actions
28669 Redmine Defect New Project filter is (sometimes) ignored in CSV export 2018-05-01 05:34 Issues filter Actions
28638 Redmine Feature New Filter by issue statuses on reminder task 2018-04-26 14:21 Email notifications Actions
28618 Redmine Patch New Datepicker is called incorrectly 2018-07-01 06:31 Calendar Actions
28603 Redmine Feature New edit issue subject as bulk 2018-04-22 15:28 Issues Actions
28595 Redmine Feature Needs feedback Please remove font definition from the body element. 2018-12-16 20:36 UI Actions
28594 Redmine Feature New Please remove letter-spacing as it looks ugly. 2018-04-23 02:13 Website ( Actions
28563 Redmine Defect New Due date is not visible 2018-04-16 17:59 Issues filter Actions
28558 Redmine Defect New OpenLDAP 2018-09-13 15:36 Accounts / authentication Actions
28552 Redmine Feature New Watcher can't see issue when it assign to user from another group 2018-04-13 09:21 Groups Actions
28551 Redmine Feature New rest api groups permissoins 2018-04-13 09:13 REST API Actions
28539 Redmine Feature New journal query 2018-04-12 11:43 Actions
28536 Redmine Feature New Upgrade Redmine for dummies 2021-11-17 09:58 Documentation Actions
28529 Redmine Defect New Plugin settings trouble 2018-12-11 05:06 Plugin API Actions
28511 Redmine Feature New Issue versions - target version/fixed in version 2018-04-09 15:41 Issues planning Actions
(1126-1150/4772) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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