



Feature #3517


Assign an issue to person based on the issue status

Added by Felipe Matos Moreira almost 16 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Issues workflow
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In the same way we can assign an issue to a person based on the category, is it possible to have this ability when we change the status of an issue?

I have a need that when a status is changed from Development to Test for example, the issue must be assigned to another person that will conduct the tests. Later, once we marked as Resolved, it should be assigned to another person where it will do the final steps to closing the issue, like moving the code to production environment.

Is this feasible? I'm wondering if this could be included as an option in redmine or a plugin. I'm not familiar with Ruby so any help or advices will be very appreciated.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #521: Add preference to auto-reassign back to author on resolve or feedbackNew

Related to Redmine - Feature #10139: extend ability to associate settings based on initial categoryNew

Related to Redmine - Feature #482: Default assignee on each projectClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #6708: Change owner when change statusClosed2010-10-20

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #10947: Default assignment based on project and issue state (this is not a duplicate of issue #482).Closed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #19231: Link between "status" and "assigned to" filedsClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #13299: Autochange assignee depending on status changeClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Stéphane Allemand over 15 years ago


I am interisting with this facility for this case also. Or is it a way to do the same things.



Actions #2

Updated by J.N. Tang over 15 years ago

Good idea! I like it!

Actions #3

Updated by Pete P almost 14 years ago

This is a fantastic idea! If implemented, it would allow Redmine to drive a process.

Actions #4

Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

  • Category set to Issues workflow
Actions #5

Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago

Well, this seems to be a good idea. In addition, this could be coupled with the categories.


  1. Ticket with status "new" and category "UI" is created
  2. Ticket will be assigned to group "Frontend Developers"
  3. Ticket will be set to resolved by a person of the group "Frontend Developers"
  4. Status resolve in category "UI" will set the assignment to "Codereview"
  5. Ticket will be set to closed by "Codereview" which closes the ticket, or will be set to "Rejected", which will reassign it to the group "Frontend Developers"

Example 2:

  1. Ticket with status "new" and category "Translation" is created
  2. Ticket will be assigned to group "Translators"
  3. Ticket will be set to resolved by a person of the group "Translators"
  4. Status resolve in category "Translation" will set the assignment to "Translationreview"
  5. Ticket will be set to closed by "Translationreview" which closes the ticket, or will be set to "Rejected", which will reassign it to the group "Translators"

Translationreview and Codereview are two different departments in the company and couldn't be in the same group. This way, we could have a complete automatic ticket workflow. What do you think?

Actions #6

Updated by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

By now, workflows are defined in transition tables per tracker / per role. This way they are finite state machines.
However, these state machines lack of actions on transitions. If such actions were available and was possible to be defined by the user / administrator, above intentions could be fulfilled.

Here is an example list of actions on state transitions:
  • change assignee to a previously defined group
  • change done percent
  • change priority
  • change previously defined custom field to a new predefined value
  • send e-mail to someone (? - Watcher system is enough?)
  • activate external application
  • something else...

And as an extension of above, instead of defining single actions, a set (or list) of actions could be defined on state transitions.

I suppose this could be done in a plugin using the hook :controller_issues_edit_before_save.

Another idea based on above one idea.

Let's imagine User Interface that presents a state transitions table. Then an user chooses a transition. As a result a dialog activates that shows what will happen on the transition, asking for permission). And if the user confirm changes, they happen and new status is chosen at last.

How this could be activated?
  • by a button in issue edit dialog: 'Make a transition' or 'Change status'
  • by a menu item in the context menu
Actions #7

Updated by Christopher Harwood over 11 years ago

I'd be interested in broader options for automating transitions between statuses. JIRA provides a good conceptual model for this kind of functionality at

The short version is that a workflow defines both steps (statuses) and transitions (status changes). In JIRA, the definition for a transition includes the target status (what the new issue status will be) as well as one or more of the following:

1. A screen, which provides all (and only) the fields related to the status change. Redmine can nearly replicate this behavior by defining all unrelated fields as "Read Only" for the target status, although setting these in the current UI is a real pain.
2. Conditions, which is just who can change an issue from status X to status Y. Redmine already does this.
3. Input Validators, which Redmine also provides already.
4. Post Functions, or automated changes to the issue that occur at the time of transition. These can include changing the assignee to a specified value, but they can include changes to other issue attributes as well.

If I knew enough Ruby, I would approach the problem in the following way:

Revise the UI for workflows around the concept of transitions; most of this replaces the "Read Only/Required" matrix of field settings in workflow administration. An administrator creates a Transition, and then adds Properties to the Transition. After clicking "Add Transition Property" the user is presented with three types of Properties:

(1) Field: Fields the user can change when changing the status; these appear in the Update panel
(2) Required Field: Fields the user must change when changing the status, which appear as required fields in the Update panel, and
(3) Automatic Update: Fields that change automatically; for these the admin defines the new value for the field.

Back in the standard/original workflow UI, there is a space beneath each checkbox and a new column to the right with a list of Transitions. By dragging a Transition over a checkbox and releasing it, the box is checked (if it wasn't already) and the name of the transition appears below the check. (If we want simple but clunky, we could also include a drop-down menu beneath each checkbox.) That enables the selected User Role to perform the selected change from one state to another, but the change follows the rules defined by the assigned Transition. Changes without assigned Transitions, where the admin just checked the box, occur as normal.


Actions #8

Updated by Yamuna Vee about 11 years ago

+1 - Does anyone know if there's a plugin that implements this feature?

Actions #9

Updated by Cédric HATEM over 10 years ago


Any news about this really usefull feature ?


Actions #10

Updated by Mikael Blom over 10 years ago

+1 Great Feature

Actions #11

Updated by markus schulte over 10 years ago

Yamuna Vee wrote:

+1 - Does anyone know if there's a plugin that implements this feature?

you may want give a spin. /m

Actions #12

Updated by Hans Kaiser about 10 years ago

+1 for the request to implement the missing feature

markus schulte wrote:

Yamuna Vee wrote:

+1 - Does anyone know if there's a plugin that implements this feature?

you may want give a spin. /m

The plugin looks great. Is anyone using it already?
It provides all the features, which redmine is lacking right now about ensuring status processes.

Any plans from the redmine dev lead to incorporate the plugin in default redmine?

Actions #14

Updated by David Molina almost 10 years ago

Can you improve the documentation, please?

Actions #15

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Related to Feature #482: Default assignee on each project added
Actions #16

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #19231: Link between "status" and "assigned to" fileds added
Actions #17

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #13299: Autochange assignee depending on status change added
Actions #18

Updated by Alfredo Bonilla almost 9 years ago


Actions #19

Updated by M Hasan over 8 years ago

The link of is not working, page not found

Actions #20

Updated by JH Lee over 8 years ago

/M Hasan

You're right.

The link of is not working, page not found.

Does anyone know an active link of downloading the plugin of this feature?

Actions #21

Updated by dl rm almost 8 years ago

+1 Does anyone know an active link of downloading the plugin of this feature?

Actions #22

Updated by Yuuki NARA almost 8 years ago

This plug-in can be used for automatic setting of assignee in charge of workflow.

The original corresponds to 2.3, but github-forked version supports 3.2.

I hope you find it useful.

Actions #23

Updated by dl rm almost 8 years ago

thanks, I'm researching...

Yuuki NARA wrote:

This plug-in can be used for automatic setting of assignee in charge of workflow.

The original corresponds to 2.3, but github-forked version supports 3.2.

I hope you find it useful.

Actions #24

Updated by Gerhard . over 7 years ago

+1, would be interested in this feature too.
Has anyone experiences with the plugin Status Button in conjunction with V3.x?
Is there any other plugin available which is not in alpha stadium since 4 years?



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