Feature #5893
closedFilter issues by notes
We run a big Redmine installation with more than 20000 issues. What we are missing is the ability to apply a filter on description and notes.
For Redmine version 0.9.4 I made a patch that allows us to filter for these fields and now I would like to contribute this patch to all Redmine users.
Unfortunately I have no svn access to provide an official patch file. Also I don't know if my code (first Ruby code) is ok.
Here is what i did:
File app/models/query.rb: Line 125ff: Old: QueryColumn.new(:subject, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.subject"), New: QueryColumn.new(:subject, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.subject"), QueryColumn.new(:description, :sortable => Line 176ff: Old: "subject" => { :type => :text, :order => 8 }, New: "subject" => { :type => :text, :order => 8 }, "description" => { :type => :text, :order => 16 }, "notes" => { :type => :text, :order => 17 }, Line 400ff: Old: elsif field == 'watcher_id' db_table = Watcher.table_name db_field = 'user_id' sql << "#{Issue.table_name}.id #{ operator == '=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN' } (SELECT #{db_table}.watchable_id FROM #{db_table} WHERE #{db_table}.watchable_type='Issue' A$ sql << sql_for_field(field, '=', v, db_table, db_field) + ')' else New: elsif field == 'watcher_id' db_table = Watcher.table_name db_field = 'user_id' sql << "#{Issue.table_name}.id #{ operator == '=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN' } (SELECT #{db_table}.watchable_id FROM #{db_table} WHERE #{db_table}.watchable_type='Issue' A$ sql << sql_for_field(field, '=', v, db_table, db_field) + ')' elsif field == 'notes' db_table = Journal.table_name db_field = 'notes' sql << '((' + sql_for_field(field, operator, v, db_table, db_field) + ') OR (' + sql_for_field(field, operator, v, Issue.table_name, 'description') + '))' else Line 423ff: Old: def issue_count Issue.count(:include => [:status, :project], :conditions => statement) New: def issue_count r = false filters.each_key do |field| next unless field == "notes" r = true end if r Issue.count(:include => [:status, :project, :journals], :conditions => statement) else Issue.count(:include => [:status, :project], :conditions => statement) end Line 439ff: Old: def issue_count_by_group r = nil if grouped? begin # Rails will raise an (unexpected) RecordNotFound if there's only a nil group value r = Issue.count(:group => group_by_statement, :include => [:status, :project], :conditions => statement) New: def issue_count_by_group r = nil if grouped? begin x = false filters.each_key do |field| next unless field == "notes" x = true end if x # Rails will raise an (unexpected) RecordNotFound if there's only a nil group value r = Issue.count(:group => group_by_statement, :include => [:status, :project, :journals], :conditions => statement) else # Rails will raise an (unexpected) RecordNotFound if there's only a nil group value r = Issue.count(:group => group_by_statement, :include => [:status, :project], :conditions => statement) end Line 470ff: Old: def issues(options={}) order_option = [group_by_sort_order, options[:order]].reject {|s| s.blank?}.join(',') order_option = nil if order_option.blank? Issue.find :all, :include => ([:status, :project] + (options[:include] || [])).uniq, :conditions => Query.merge_conditions(statement, options[:conditions]), :order => order_option, :limit => options[:limit], :offset => options[:offset] New: def issues(options={}) order_option = [group_by_sort_order, options[:order]].reject {|s| s.blank?}.join(',') order_option = nil if order_option.blank? r = false filters.each_key do |field| next unless field == "notes" r = true end if r Issue.find :all, :include => ([:status, :project, :journals] + (options[:include] || [])).uniq, :conditions => Query.merge_conditions(statement, options[:conditions]), :order => order_option, :limit => options[:limit], :offset => options[:offset] else Issue.find :all, :include => ([:status, :project] + (options[:include] || [])).uniq, :conditions => Query.merge_conditions(statement, options[:conditions]), :order => order_option, :limit => options[:limit], :offset => options[:offset] end
It would be great if you would integrate this code into Redmine.
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- Tracker changed from Feature to Patch
- Category set to Issues
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Updated by Tomasz O almost 6 years ago
This patch enables applying filter on notes in Redmine version 3.4.4:
diff -c app/models/issue_query.rb.orig app/models/issue_query.rb *** app/models/issue_query.rb.orig 2018-01-08 13:38:16.000000000 -0600 --- app/models/issue_query.rb 2019-05-24 04:41:38.709524653 -0500 *************** *** 136,141 **** --- 136,143 ---- add_available_filter "estimated_hours", :type => :float add_available_filter "done_ratio", :type => :integer + add_available_filter "notes", :type => :text + if User.current.allowed_to?(:set_issues_private, nil, :global => true) || User.current.allowed_to?(:set_own_issues_private, nil, :global => true) add_available_filter "is_private", *************** *** 359,364 **** --- 361,376 ---- raise StatementInvalid.new(e.message) end + def sql_for_notes_field(field, operator, value) + neg = (operator == '!' ? 'NOT' : '') + subquery = "SELECT 1 FROM #{Journal.table_name}" + + " WHERE #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type='Issue' AND #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_id=#{Issue.table_name}.id" + + " AND (#{sql_for_field field, operator , value, Journal.table_name, 'notes'})" + + " AND (#{Journal.visible_notes_condition(User.current, :skip_pre_condition => true)})" + + "#{neg} EXISTS (#{subquery})" + end + def sql_for_updated_by_field(field, operator, value) neg = (operator == '!' ? 'NOT' : '') subquery = "SELECT 1 FROM #{Journal.table_name}" +
Maybe someone else will find them usefull.
Updated by Alexander Achenbach over 5 years ago
- File filter-by-notes.patch filter-by-notes.patch added
As a follow-up to #5893#note-7, here's a revised patch of the notes query against Redmine 4.0.5.
It fixes logic problems in operator handling that were in the original patch.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
- Category changed from Issues to Issues filter
Updated by Yuichi HARADA about 4 years ago
Alexander Achenbach wrote:
As a follow-up to #5893#note-7, here's a revised patch of the notes query against Redmine 4.0.5.
It fixes logic problems in operator handling that were in the original patch.
Thank you for creating the patch.
I adjusted filter-by-notes.patch to work with Redmine-trunk (r20766) and added tests.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
- File filter-by-notes-with-tests-v2.patch filter-by-notes-with-tests-v2.patch added
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
This is a feature I have wanted for years. Thank you for updating the patch and adding the test.
I have changed the patch to move the "notes" position in the filters dropdown to below the "description".
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 4.2.0
Setting the target version to 4.2.0.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
- File start-with-does-not-work.png start-with-does-not-work.png added
- Target version changed from 4.2.0 to Candidate for next major release
The patch needs to be fixed.
"starts with" and "ends with" operators for notes don't work as expected. They behave like "any" operator. This means that even if you give a nonexistent string to those operators, the issues list displays issues that have any notes.
My environment:
Environment: Redmine version 4.1.1.devel Ruby version 2.7.2-p137 (2020-10-01) [x86_64-darwin19] Rails version Environment development Database adapter SQLite Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::InlineAdapter Mailer delivery smtp
Updated by Yuichi HARADA about 4 years ago
Go MAEDA wrote:
"starts with" and "ends with" operators for notes don't work as expected. They behave like "any" operator. This means that even if you give a nonexistent string to those operators, the issues list displays issues that have any notes.
I've confirmed. I fixed the patch as follows.
diff --git a/app/models/issue_query.rb b/app/models/issue_query.rb
index deb06dc82..4848fcb2d 100644
--- a/app/models/issue_query.rb
+++ b/app/models/issue_query.rb
@@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ class IssueQuery < Query
def sql_for_notes_field(field, operator, value)
subquery = "SELECT 1 FROM #{Journal.table_name}" +
" WHERE #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type='Issue' AND #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_id=#{Issue.table_name}.id" +
- " AND (#{sql_for_field field, operator.ends_with?("~") ? "~" : "*", value, Journal.table_name, 'notes'})" +
+ " AND (#{sql_for_field field, operator.sub(/^!/, ''), value, Journal.table_name, 'notes'})" +
" AND (#{Journal.visible_notes_condition(User.current, :skip_pre_condition => true)})"
- "#{operator.starts_with?("!") ? "NOT EXISTS" : "EXISTS"} (#{subquery})"
+ "#{/^!/.match?(operator) ? "NOT EXISTS" : "EXISTS"} (#{subquery})"
def sql_for_updated_by_field(field, operator, value)
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 5.0.0
Setting the target version to 5.0.0.
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago
- File statement-invalid-log.txt statement-invalid-log.txt added
- Target version changed from 5.0.0 to Candidate for next major release
While I was trying the patch, I came across an SQL error (sorry, I don't know how to reproduce).
Query::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: issues.notes
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 5.0.0
Go MAEDA wrote:
While I was trying the patch, I came across an SQL error (sorry, I don't know how to reproduce).
I have been investigating this issue for a while, and the only time I could reproduce the error was when I removed the sql_for_notes_field method.
The error reported in #5893#note-16 is probably due to my tampering the source code while checking the patch.
Setting the target version to 5.0.0 again.
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Filter Options: Allow to filter for description and notes to Filter issues by notes
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
Committed the patch. Thank you for your contribution.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 3 years ago
- Category changed from Issues filter to Filters