



Patch #5535


Assigned to issuelist filter: added <nobody> value

Added by Radek Antoniuk almost 15 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Issues filter
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the filter in the issue list should list <nobody> as well, to make it possible to filter out issues that are assigned to user X OR not assigned at all


Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #5115: Assignee & Target version issuelist filters: allow to specify multiple selections (e.g. x OR blank)New2010-03-18

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #28924: Issues filter: Adding a <<Nobody>> special entry to the user listClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Vitaly Klimov over 14 years ago

I have created quick patch to query.rb to fix this issue, please find it attached. Please note, that i tried to keep modifications tiny, so 'author_id' field affected as well.

Actions #2

Updated by Nikolay Kotlyarov over 14 years ago

now you can not combine "asssigned to nobody" filter with "assigned to me"

Actions #3

Updated by Nikolay Kotlyarov over 14 years ago

Vitaly Klimov wrote:

'author_id' field affected as well.

Can you explain how was it affected please?

Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 14 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Jean-Philippe Lang)

Nikolay Kotlyarov wrote:

Can you explain how was it affected please?

It's "affected" since author and assignee use the same list of possible values. But it's not the correct behavior, since author cannot be none, I think it would lead to an other defect :)

I'd prefer a generic solution which would consist in having a "<< none >>" option in some fields : assigned to, target version, category, etc. But only when it makes sense.

Actions #5

Updated by pasquale [:dedalus] almost 14 years ago


Actions #6

Updated by Maxim Krušina almost 14 years ago

Please can be this functionality merged into trunk?

Actions #7

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago

  • Subject changed from assigned to nobody filter to Assigned to issuelist filter: added <nobody> value
Actions #8

Updated by Radek Antoniuk over 13 years ago

nice reaction time...
it would be also great to have an "auto-assign" feature without doing categories...

Actions #9

Updated by Hashem Nasarat almost 7 years ago

Wished I had this feature today! What can we do to pick this up again?

Actions #10

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 7 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #28924: Issues filter: Adding a <<Nobody>> special entry to the user list added
Actions #11

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 7 years ago

  • Category changed from UI to Issues filter
Actions #12

Updated by Marco Shima over 6 years ago

+2 At least two users at our company wish this feature. This ticket was created 8 years ago, a solution seems to be attached, so maybe priority should be reconsidered?

Actions #13

Updated by Yuuki NARA over 6 years ago


Actions #14

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago

Which will be the difference between "Assignee None" and "Assignee Is <nobody>"?

Actions #15

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago

Marius BALTEANU wrote:

Which will be the difference between "Assignee None" and "Assignee Is <nobody>"?

I think the difference is that with <nobody> you can achieve a kind of OR combination.
Assigned to somebody OR nobody...

I also can't imagine a useful situation for that but there seem to be one.
Perhaps someone of the folks who back this feature could explain its specific use case.

Actions #16

Updated by Radek Antoniuk over 6 years ago

wow, 8 years, good that I'm still alive :-) The difference is already explained in the description of the ticket.
The usecase I don't remember right now, sorry. I guess one could be: "I want to see issues assigned to me (that I'm working on) + the queue (so I can see what's not been picked up yet and I could pick up)"

Actions #17

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago

Radek Antoniuk wrote:

wow, 8 years, good that I'm still alive :-) The difference is already explained in the description of the ticket.
The usecase I don't remember right now, sorry. I guess one could be: "I want to see issues assigned to me (that I'm working on) + the queue (so I can see what's not been picked up yet and I could pick up)"

Got it, thanks.


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