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Go MAEDA, 2023-10-30 22:52
Add 5.1.0
Changelog 5.0.x¶
5.1.0 (2023-10-31)¶
[Accounts / authentication]¶
- Defect #6254: Remove "Unknown user" notification on password request with non-existent email address
- Defect #36969: EmailAddress regex matches invalid email addresses
- Feature #33660: Information text on sudo password entry
- Feature #35450: Better validation error message when the domain of email is not allowed
- Feature #37679: Raise the maximum length of the last name to 255 characters
- Defect #37692: Plugins page does not have a table header
- Feature #33422: Re-implement admin project list using ProjectQuery system
- Feature #36691: Background job and dedicated status for project deletion
- Feature #36695: Add check in Redmine information page if default queue adapter is used in production
- Feature #36891: Ask more specific confirmation questions when closing/reopening/archiving projects
- Feature #37674: Upgrade Admin/Users list to use the query system
- Feature #38168: WebP images support
- Patch #37597: Don't create two thumbnails of different resolutions for a single image
- Feature #27346: Use the new pagination style for the calendars view
- Feature #33682: Display calendar in vertical list layout on mobile screens
[Code cleanup/refactoring]¶
- Defect #15667: Fix shadowing variable in ApplicationHelper#textilizable
- Defect #20042: A test fail when running it with PostgreSQL
- Defect #37389: Add missing fixture to JournalObserverTest
- Defect #37586: Typo in method names
- Defect #37587: Unnecessary requirement in /lib/redmine/scm/adapters/filesystem_adapter.rb
- Defect #38145: Unreachable branch in ApplicationHelper#format_object due to the use of the deprecated Fixnum class
- Defect #38250: config/settings.yml not closed in Setting.load_available_settings
- Defect #39180: Fix an intermittent test failure in JournalTest
- Feature #37119: Drop redcarpet dependency for common_mark formatter
- Patch #36844: Cleanup orphaned query and role ids from habtm join table queries_roles
- Patch #37448: Add missing fixture users to RoleTest
- Patch #37451: Add missing fixture versions to IssuesPdfHelperTest
- Patch #37466: Add missing fixture issue_categories to VersionTest
- Patch #37469: Add missing fixture versions to RepositoryTest
- Patch #37470: Add missing fixture versions to MailHandlerControllerTest
- Patch #37477: Add missing fixture issue_categories to MyControllerTest
- Patch #37482: Replace JQuery `.focus()` method with HTML `autofocus` attribute
- Patch #37507: Normalize HTML in app/views/settings/_users.html.erb
- Patch #37591: Use start_with? or end_with? to check the first or last character of a string
- Patch #37599: Remove extra call of Attachment#thumbnailable? in AttachmentsController#thumbnail
- Patch #37614: Cleanup app/models/repository/git.rb
- Patch #37657: Rename Repository#supports_all_revisions? to Repository#supports_history?
- Patch #37668: Fix bad I18n `t` call in macro error handler
- Patch #37682: Add the `# frozen_string_literal: true` magic comment to config/initializers/secret_token.rb
- Patch #37851: Add missing fixture to test/integration/issue_test.rb
- Patch #37974: Database migration to remove unused "mention_users" permission
- Patch #38054: Remove unused i18n keys label_sort_highest, label_sort_higher, label_sort_lower, and label_sort_lowest
- Patch #38091: Fix redundant 'private' modifier in repositories_git_controller_test.rb
- Patch #38093: Use require_relative instead of generating the full path for a file
- Patch #38139: Add guard clause to time_tag method to handle nil time
- Patch #38228: Remove X-UA-Compatible meta tag for Internet Explorer
- Patch #38478: Remove unused i18n key label_last_login
- Patch #38496: Add missing fixtures to SearchControllerTest
- Patch #38646: Remove unused locale entry: label_optgroup_others
- Patch #38772: <=> should return nil when invoked with an incomparable object
- Patch #39021: Add ".byebug_history" to svn:ignore, .gitignore, and .hgignore
- Patch #39066: Remove set_language_if_valid from MyController
- Patch #39109: Improving Test Reliability with Capybara Assertions
- Patch #39184: Cleanup debug code in app/models/mail_handler.rb
- Patch #39207: Replace `YAML.load` with `YAML.load_file` in locales.rake and improve error reporting for invalid YAML files
[Custom fields]¶
- Patch #37750: Use existing html pipeline based sanitization for links in custom fields
[Email notifications]¶
- Feature #2746: Send out issue priority in the email notification header
- Feature #34302: Show parent issues in notification email
- Feature #38238: Auto watch issues on issue creation
[Email receiving]¶
- Feature #38263: Try importing journal replies as issue reply where applicable
- Feature #38273: Improve errors in MailHandler: add MissingContainer and LockedTopic exception
- Feature #38274: Receive e-mail replies to news and news comments
- Patch #38408: Remove experimental flag from "Preferred part of multipart (HTML) emails" setting
- Feature #38435: "contains any of" operator for text filters to perform OR search of multiple terms
- Feature #38456: OR search with multiple terms for "starts with" and "ends with" filter operators
[Gems support]¶
- Patch #36919: Update RuboCop to 1.57
- Patch #37236: Update Rouge to 4.2
- Patch #37247: Update RuboCop Performance to 1.19
- Patch #37248: Update RuboCop Rails to 2.22
- Patch #37401: Update I18n to 1.14
- Patch #37525: Update Pg to 1.5
- Patch #37558: Update webdrivers to 5.0
- Patch #37656: Update sqlite3 gem to 1.5
- Patch #37993: Update Mail gem to 2.8
- Patch #38121: Update MiniMagick to 4.12
- Patch #38122: Remove Bundler from requirements
- Patch #38124: Update csv, net-imap, net-pop, and net-smtp gems to the same versions shipped with Ruby 3.2.0
- Patch #38137: Update SimpleCov to 0.22
- Patch #38181: Update Nokogiri to 1.15.2
- Patch #38187: Update SQLite3 gem to 1.6
- Patch #38220: Update Redcarpet to 3.6
- Patch #39211: Update roadie-rails to 3.1
- Defect #38509: Untranslated string "OK" in the repository browser
- Feature #37878: Allow using ideographic space (U+3000) as a separator for search terms
- Patch #38529: Limit available locales to those defined by Redmine itself
- Feature #36823: Allow to import time entries for issues in different projects
- Defect #38458: Display order of watchers in the sidebar is indeterminate
- Defect #38493: The related issues count on the issue view is not updated after deleting one of the related issues
- Defect #39186: Missing synchronization between watchers and watcher_users for unsaved objects
- Feature #2568: Description for issue statuses
- Feature #16207: Use query name as the file name when exporting queries
- Feature #31505: Mark edited journal notes as "Edited"
- Feature #37362: CSV export of issues report
- Feature #37532: Add CSS class for relation type to related issues list
- Feature #37621: Add field separator option to CSV export dialog
- Feature #38416: Ability to disable the priority field
- Patch #38820: Retry in case of stale issue during Issue.update_versions
[Issues filter]¶
- Feature #38301: Multiple issue ids in "Related to" filter
- Feature #38402: "Any searchable text" filter for issues
- Feature #38527: New issues filter operators "has been", "has never been", and "changed from"
[Issues workflow]¶
- Defect #37635: Respect Role#consider_workflow? when checking for allowed status transitions
- Patch #37636: Ignore statuses if workflow only defines identity transition
- Feature #2631: Add breadcrumbs to news pages
[PDF export]¶
- Feature #38368: WebP images support in PDF output
- Patch #29171: Add an index to improve the performance of issue queries involving custom fields
- Patch #37057: Query optimization for attachments activity
- Patch #37528: Don't load changesets when IssuesController#show processes API requests without "include=changesets"
- Patch #37687: Retrieve attachments with a single query when rendering a journal
- Patch #38146: Fix all performance-related RuboCop offenses
- Patch #38198: Improve MySQL query plan for Project#project_condition
- Patch #38319: Optimize IssueQuery#sql_for_assigned_to_role_field for PostgreSQL performance
- Patch #38474: Preload default_status when listing trackers
[Permissions and roles]¶
- Feature #37807: Allow access to /robots.txt even if logins are required
- Feature #38048: Introduce permission to set a project public
[Plugin API]¶
- Defect #31116: Database migrations don't run correctly for plugins when specifying the `VERSION` env variable
- Defect #38707: Fix order of loading plugins' config/routes.rb
- Feature #38730: Generate snake-case file name by redmine_plugin_migration
- Defect #38668: Unable to retrieve custom fields set as "For all projects" via Projects API
- Feature #37617: Add description field to custom fields API
- Feature #39113: Add missing Homepage attribute in Projects API response
[Rails support]¶
- Feature #38216: Add template filenames as comments to HTML output in development mode
- Feature #36679: Export a version as changelog text
[Ruby support]¶
- Feature #37159: Drop Ruby 2.5 support
- Feature #38099: Add Ruby 3.2 support
- Feature #38134: Drop Ruby 2.6 support
- Feature #35432: Git: View annotation prior to the change
[Search engine]¶
- Feature #38459: Support "My bookmarks" in the search
- Feature #38481: Further narrow search results with issues filter
[Text formatting]¶
- Feature #34863: Change default text formatter for new installations from textile to common_mark
- Patch #36807: Remove CommonMark experimental flag and mark as deprecated the RedCarpet Markdown
[Third-party libraries]¶
- Feature #39400: Migrate Stylelint to 15.11.0
- Patch #37538: Update Chart.js to 3.9.1
- Patch #38162: Update jQuery UI Datepicker i18n files to 1.13.2
[Time tracking]¶
- Feature #10314: Make the only enabled activity in a project the default one for time entry
- Feature #27821: "Issue's subject" filter for spent time
- Feature #29286: Add default spent time activity per role
- Feature #37623: Add Parent task filter and column to Spent time
- Defect #38477: Fix the English and Japanese translations of field_last_login_on
- Defect #38871: Fix mistranslation of label_board_sticky in Spanish translation
- Feature #34924: Add Tamil language support
- Feature #36938: Update translations of field_principal to User or Group
- Patch #32435: Change Russian translation for "Submit"
- Feature #1069: Open Help in a separate tab
- Feature #36908: Improve wording on password change form
- Feature #38231: Limit the year to 4 digits in date input
- Patch #38449: Align buttons in modal dialogs to the left instead of right
[UI - Responsive]¶
- Patch #38360: Do not apply table-layout:fixed in potentially wide tables of detailed issue reports
- Defect #34634: Deletion of project wiki leaves the project wiki inaccessible (404) until module reactivation
Updated by Go MAEDA over 1 year ago · 1 revisions locked