



Redmine core development

Subject Author Created Replies Last message
Redmine API David Craggs 2015-04-29 12:35 1 Added by David Craggs over 9 years ago
RE: Redmine API
Create a issue on the mail problem bin wang 2015-04-28 07:32 2 Added by bin wang over 9 years ago
RE: Create a issue on the mail problem
Rework Plugin Guide sascha ehlers 2015-04-24 12:08 1 Added by Canmor Lam over 9 years ago
RE: Rework Plugin Guide
time tracking customization: added hours and minutes [ Desperados ] 2015-04-21 12:35 3 Added by [ Desperados ] over 9 years ago
RE: time tracking customization: added hours and minutes
Extend a Issue Model Function Nico Landgraf 2015-04-01 10:19 1 Added by Martin Dubé over 9 years ago
RE: Extend a Issue Model Function
Redmine > 3.0 : Redmine::SafeAttributes unable to mass-assign attributes. Rupesh J 2015-03-27 08:18 1 Added by Leonel Iturralde over 9 years ago
RE: Redmine > 3.0 : Redmine::SafeAttributes unable to mas...
Plugin development: undefined method `acts_as_attachable' General Failure 2015-03-25 07:35 1 Added by General Failure over 9 years ago
RE: Plugin development: undefined method `acts_as_attacha...
Send account information to the user via email with REST API registration danilo d'aversa 2015-03-13 15:56 0
What is lft in table issue of redmine anhkhoa Michel 2015-03-13 06:06 6 Added by anhkhoa Michel over 9 years ago
RE: What is lft in table issue of redmine
How to create new journal entries via REST API in Redmine 3.0.0 ? Tim Taler 2015-03-03 15:09 0 anti-spam plugin Lucile Quirion 2015-02-25 16:37 1 Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 9 years ago
RE: anti-spam plugin
redminemanager filter for create_on or filter range date Maria Manuela Marcano Rasillo 2015-02-10 15:51 1 Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 9 years ago
RE: redminemanager filter for create_on or filter range date
Plugin development André Pfeiffer 2015-01-31 21:29 2 Added by André Pfeiffer over 9 years ago
RE: Plugin development
external check if user is logged in Peter Waver 2015-01-14 09:44 1 Added by anh khoa nguyen ngoc over 9 years ago
RE: external check if user is logged in
Copy project - Template projects Thibaut Comte 2015-01-14 09:13 1 Added by Thibaut Comte over 9 years ago
RE: Copy project - Template projects
How Can view parent task is subject not ID anhkhoa Michel 2015-01-13 04:05 0
ruby-debug can't be installed Ruslan Yakauleu 2015-01-09 10:40 0
Path Based authentication for Redmine repo access. Prasanth Kumar 2014-12-29 11:44 0
Bug? Posting attachments in issue by json API Vitaly Grin 2014-12-21 06:48 1 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago
RE: Bug? Posting attachments in issue by json API
Test Session in Init.rb You Ri 2014-12-19 09:30 1 Added by anhkhoa Michel over 9 years ago
RE: Test Session in Init.rb
Need german supplier für Redmine installation Michael Schuh 2014-12-17 09:25 1 Added by Michael Schuh almost 10 years ago
RE: Need german supplier für Redmine installation
REST API to move issues from one project to another Balaji Murugesan 2014-12-05 21:36 0
Creating dynamic fields and changing e-mails link Gregory Gonçalves 2014-11-28 20:29 1 Added by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago
RE: Creating dynamic fields and changing e-mails link
SOLVED: How can i downgrade from 2.6 unstable to 2.6 stable? Denis Savitskiy 2014-11-24 10:22 5 Added by Denis Savitskiy over 9 years ago
RE: SOLVED: How can i downgrade from 2.6 unstable to 2.6 ...
How to export issues into excel fog redrmine 2.5.1 anhkhoa Michel 2014-11-11 10:07 3 Added by anhkhoa Michel almost 10 years ago
RE: How to export issues into excel fog redrmine 2.5.1
How to set URL submit by value in collapsible anhkhoa Michel 2014-11-04 03:46 0
How to create issue by import file excel anhkhoa Michel 2014-11-03 04:54 1 Added by @ go2null over 9 years ago
RE: How to create issue by import file excel
How to override method retrieve_query in issue_controller anhkhoa Michel 2014-11-03 04:40 0
How to get group_id of Current User in my_plugin/init.rb anhkhoa Michel 2014-10-31 05:08 2 Added by anhkhoa Michel almost 10 years ago
RE: How to get group_id of Current User in my_plugin/init.rb
How to get group_id of Current User in redmine anhkhoa Michel 2014-10-30 09:34 2 Added by Egerton Maciel about 5 years ago
RE: How to get group_id of Current User in redmine
updating custom field value from code doesn't work. kalyan k 2014-10-30 06:51 0
How to view custom field is 2.000.000 anhkhoa Michel 2014-10-21 07:31 11 Added by Tomasz O almost 10 years ago
RE: How to view custom field is 2.000.000
Please help me fix error when i create a plugin same issues of redmine anhkhoa Michel 2014-10-09 06:52 0
Send chunked data from controller (=> no) luigifab ! 2014-09-25 12:21 1 Added by luigifab ! almost 10 years ago
RE: Send chunked data from controller
How to search issues by their historical status? Haihan Ji 2014-09-17 16:23 4 Added by Konstantin Tkachenko over 9 years ago
RE: How to search issues by their historical status?
Add custom fields and post to a Google service support from plugin Alexander Teut 2014-08-28 14:29 0
Replicate Issue tag to another tab Gaurav Dhol 2014-08-13 14:58 0
Limit number of concurrent downloads Richard Rauch 2014-08-04 11:01 1 Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago
RE: Limit number of concurrent downloads
Upload file via POST call with C#, RestSharp Sayan Paul 2014-07-31 15:41 0
EVM Plugin Github Syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ')' (SyntaxError) Jack Black 2014-07-29 14:01 0
Constant in init.rb? [No => /lib/const.rb] luigifab ! 2014-07-23 21:37 2 Added by luigifab ! about 10 years ago
RE: Constant in init.rb?
Update CustomField's value in class issue You Ri 2014-07-23 11:31 0
Where the object "Setting" and the method "text_formatting" (Setting.text_formatting) are ? Alabi Mathys 2014-07-10 09:57 0
Web service when creating or updating an issue Alice Etchegaray 2014-07-04 16:17 5 Added by Alice Etchegaray about 10 years ago
RE: Web service when creating or updating an issue
Redmine MenuManager Zdravko Balorda 2014-06-27 09:58 0
Help for a word wrap in my list of issues Alice Etchegaray 2014-06-26 11:59 1 Added by Alice Etchegaray about 10 years ago
RE: Help for a word wrap in my list of issues
How to add a new URI scheme to the wiki - automatic link Vimal Joseph 2014-05-28 10:02 0
Length of time entry's comments Peter Drábik 2014-05-13 12:45 0
PATCH: Handle JavaScript attachment as a text so that it can be previewed. Wataru Hirayama 2014-05-07 02:39 0
Freelance developer required. Avinash Gore 2014-05-05 11:06 0
REST API using a non-administrator account: unable to register Cyril Hazotte 2014-04-04 16:18 0
RESTful API missing some data to really be complete Florian Delizy 2014-04-04 03:29 0
Fix on CSS Saulo Achkar 2014-04-01 20:17 0
Trying to add filter on Activity page! So we can filter the activity page by user Viral Patel 2014-03-31 21:19 0
In activity view, add a filter to filter the activity by user Viral Patel 2014-03-28 21:00 0
Get time by issue type baptiste gauthier 2014-03-18 11:23 0
Assign tickets by Email & update same ticket by email Bharath Jeeva 2014-03-11 07:44 0
discussion about moving to distrubted revision control system going on? Robin Wenglewski 2014-03-10 11:13 0
about plug in Tity mb 2014-03-05 17:11 1 Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago
RE: about plug in
I want to contribute to CORE REDMINE sathya prakash 2014-02-27 07:12 0
Returning "private" field via API Stephen Fine 2014-02-26 11:06 1 Added by Go MAEDA almost 8 years ago
RE: Returning "private" field via API
Using Ruby Gems in macros (moved to plugin forum) John Zurowski 2014-02-25 14:49 0
ticket category problem on creating new issue sascha ehlers 2014-02-25 13:30 0
Extend the IssueRelation::TYPES hash in plugin. Rupesh J 2014-02-18 06:12 0
usage of HTTPS for the web interface vanishes Alexander Stohr 2014-02-17 14:59 1 Added by Mario Klima over 10 years ago
RE: usage of HTTPS for the web interface vanishes
Please Help me! thanks -------taskadapter Issue Attachment related duojia liu 2014-01-26 06:23 1 Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago
RE: Please Help me! thanks -------taskadapter Iss...
Group.find do an insert Alexandre Sabán 2014-01-20 11:40 0
Restart Thin_redmine server Trần Đức Toàn 2014-01-17 05:33 1 Added by Tony Ordner over 10 years ago
RE: Restart Thin_redmine server
Wiki API: PUT (solved) Cyber Tech 2014-01-09 05:27 1 Added by Cyber Tech over 10 years ago
Database Query - How to get total number of New Issues on specific date ? Sudheendra Panganamala 2014-01-04 12:14 4 Added by addseo1119 addseo1119 over 9 years ago
RE: Database Query - How to get total number of New Issue...
Debugging for redmine 2.x on ubuntu 13.10 Thomas Kohler 2014-01-01 19:04 2 Added by Mischa The Evil over 10 years ago
RE: Debugging for redmine 2.x on ubuntu 13.10
Database question about new table columns Smorgas Borg 2013-12-13 16:32 1 Added by Smorgas Borg almost 11 years ago
RE: Database question about new table columns
Modifying existing modules and hosting, plugins etc. Peter Bethke 2013-12-05 15:41 1 Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago
RE: Modifying existing modules and hosting, plugins etc.
when parent deleted in issue status field not display closed options john paul 2013-12-03 05:03 0
More flexible reminder e-mails than reminder.rake? Craig Rodrigues 2013-12-03 04:28 1 Added by Gary Pinkham over 10 years ago
RE: More flexible reminder e-mails than reminder.rake?
How to add your item into user permissions? Foma Ivanov 2013-11-26 07:25 1 Added by shifu shao almost 11 years ago
RE: How to add your item into user permissions?
Russian language wrong date format Dmitry Demjanuk 2013-11-25 08:54 2 Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 10 years ago
RE: Russian language wrong date format
New custom fields datatypes (format) Maxim Krušina 2013-11-19 12:56 2 Added by Peter Drábik over 9 years ago
RE: New custom fields datatypes (format)
New features in project screens Radek Terber 2013-11-15 14:20 1 Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago
RE: New features in project screens
Wiki password safe Christoph W 2013-11-14 11:44 0
Get open/closed issues via projects? Zero Qool 2013-11-01 19:40 0
def calendar_for can't exactly displayed time 小心 zheng 2013-10-31 05:27 0
changing redmine view bilel kedidi 2013-10-29 17:22 2 Added by bilel kedidi almost 11 years ago
RE: changing redmine view
Query and User preferences creation on ruby console Rupesh J 2013-10-27 13:57 0
Upload attachment - POST, C#, RestSharp Matteo Cominetti 2013-10-22 17:18 1 Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago
RE: Upload attachment - POST, C#, RestSharp
Redmine Reports Peter Drábik 2013-10-10 09:51 13 Added by Pavel Potcheptsov almost 11 years ago
RE: Redmine Reports
Invalid link on RedmineSettings#Fetch-commits-automatically page Craig Rodrigues 2013-10-09 01:39 1 Added by Mischa The Evil almost 11 years ago
RE: Invalid link on RedmineSettings#Fetch-commits-automat...
Multiple categories for issue creation poornima dhanasekaran 2013-10-01 11:59 0
REST API - JSON for create more issues at once Lubos Racansky 2013-10-01 10:13 0
[Feature Request] Limit Self-registration by Email Domains Anonymous 2013-09-30 16:53 0
how get all issues and how get issues of the determinate user in java? Anibal Alonso 2013-09-27 19:26 0
Adding sub view to project page Alex Shemshurenko 2013-09-25 11:09 0
Workflow Hidden Field is visible D Brechmann 2013-09-23 12:15 0
Enhancement to reminder email rake task (patch attached) Brad Langhorst 2013-09-18 06:39 0
Score bar and balance board vito traversa 2013-09-10 13:56 3 Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 11 years ago
RE: Score bar and balance board
Overriding Localizations in a Plugin Alexey Kireev 2013-09-06 20:44 0
Hook plugin help Pedro Braz 2013-08-30 16:10 3 Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago
RE: Hook plugin help
Where in the code Redmine send emails? Guilherme Noronha 2013-08-27 14:30 2 Added by Guilherme Noronha about 11 years ago
RE: Where in the code Redmine send emails?
production.log| fail2ban | wrong format jerome l 2013-08-20 22:20 3 Added by Mischa The Evil almost 11 years ago
RE: production.log| fail2ban | wrong format
How to add a "Client" role that can only access his watched list? jerome l 2013-08-20 22:18 0
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