



Bugday's Integration List

This is a list of issues brought up by several users/contributors in the light of a Bugday's integration (see Bugday's Integration). This list is divided by users/contributors who mentioned the issues.
All issues mentioned in the forum-thread upto 2013-03-17 20:23 are transported into this list.

Daniel Felix

  • #12730 -- Maybe you can check the patches on #12730 and its relations. Do they still clean apply to the current trunk? Maybe they could get included.
  • #2539 -

Dipan Mehta

  • #11056 actually works but but is a peculiar behavior. If this is as per the expected behavior, the issue can be closed.
  • #429 & #1233 -> can be strait away solved by start_page plugin
  • #1158 - can be done partially with plug-in
  • #1255 - please set the issue to Need feedback
  • #1707 - can be done through plugin
  • #1966 - works out of the box.
  • #2478 - Invalid (may be issues can be created using commandine or via REST API)
  • #2558 - works out of the box.
  • #2565 - Not very sure, but current functionality is sufficiently doable.
  • #2637 - works out of the box. (just need watchers)
  • #2709 - duplicates #482 (also plugin available redmine_default_assign )
  • #2792 - works out of the box.
  • #2725 - very ambiguous!
  • #2768 - not exactly out of the box but very close. [email created issues can have project_id set for themselves]
  • #1894 - can be done through plugins
  • #1991 - dup of #1710
  • #2809 - works out of the box.
  • #2903 - can be done through plugins
  • #2973 - very ambiguous!
  • #2979 - works out of the box. (through #703)
  • #2974 - duplicate of #443 (sub-tasking). works out of the box.
  • #2983 - incorrect reporting (looks like the behavior explained is not what it is! Not sure)
  • #3074 - should be solved through custom theme
  • #3068 - not fit to go in core! (just my opinion)
  • #3077 - can be achieved through plugin. Though I wish this should be part of the Redmine core.
  • #3077 - is a dupe of #285
  • #3103 - ambiguous description
  • #1982 & #381 - are dupes of #1040. Global wiki is very important -we should have it as soon as we can.
  • #2761 - dupe of #2624. The issue #2624 and patch #13487 should get good priority though.
  • #2538 - can potentially be a dupe of #5011 which itself is a dupe of #12005
  • #3102 - ambiguous description.
  • #3046 - not very clear to me! need to look at.
  • #3012 - works out of the box. [Multi-select fields of the type version now works]
  • #3410 - can be achieved through plugin Digest
  • #3528 - can be achieved through plugin Textilizable Custom Fields
  • #3529 - works out of the box.
  • #3516 - works out of the box.
  • #3364 - works out of the box except that current blocking is prevent on 100% basis rather than arbitrary %.
  • #3260 - can be achieved through plugin
  • #1602 - can be achieved through plugin Redmine AutoWatch
  • #1430 - works out of the box.
  • #666 - works out of the box.
  • #3620 - works out of the box as appropriate. It asks about all roles listed in index page that would be bad.
  • #3090 - The combination of #703 and #12005 together will solve this.
  • #3506 - The combination of #703 and #12005 together will solve this. (actually dupe of 3506)
  • #3702 - works out of the box.
  • #2885 - Non-doable
  • #3804 - Not a workable solution
  • #3986 - can be achieved through plugin
  • #3094 - not doable, not a good idea.
  • #4051 - Dupe of #7159
  • #911 - can be achieved through plugin Boards/Wiki/Issues watchers management
  • #705 & #2568 are almost identical in nature.
  • #1118 - works out of the box.
  • #1391 & #3872 overlaps completely.
  • #1424 - mostly works out of the box
  • #12550 - works out of the box
  • #666 - works out of the box
  • #2905 - works out of the box
  • #4670 - yet another #703 + #12005
  • #6417 - This is a duplication of #1294 which is closed in favor of #12032 + #10525.
  • #10518 - doesn't seem to be a valid anymore.
  • #12060 and #12917 are duplicate of #3143
  • #12282 - works out of the box
  • #5996 - works out of the box
  • #3012 - works out of the box

Nice functionality for which patch is ready to go

  • #3425 -
  • #1043 - not a tiny patch looks like it's doable.
  • #1063
  • #4518 - is a small documentation request which must be done quickly.

Ivan Cenov

  • #811: Username validation - allow spaces... -- There is a patch given in the issue. If this patch is safe it could be implemented.
  • #867: Want more wiki link types -- I have impression that this is already implemented, so #867 could be closed.
  • #709: Show attached images on issue body -- Attached images may be shown in issue body. This issue could be closed...
  • #1069: "Help" link should launch new page. -- IMHO, this should not be implemented, because while some people want this, other people do not want it. So, let default behavior remain as is.
  • #1030: Adding comments is not an "activity"? -- Adding comments (notes) to issues is is reported in Activity; 1030 could be closed.
  • #1022: Patch for #1003: Allow "New Issue" from anywhere -- This is outdated, I tried with current trunk and it did not work. May be #1022 and #1003 should be closed?
  • #1265: Add ability to delete Versions -- Deleting versions is implemented. Redmine asks "Are you sure?" and then tries deleting. However deleting does not proceed if versions have issues assigned. I think this issue could be closed.
  • #1192: IE 6.0 Timeout Problem -- Who uses IE 6.0 nowadays? This issue could be closed.
  • #1231: project-name to short -- Nowadays, projects can have names at least 80 characters long. I think this issue could be closed.
  • #1221: user should have permissions which can edit/delete the messages posted by himself -- This is already implemented and #1221 can be closed. Implemented permissions are:
    •Manage forums
    •Post messages
    •Edit messages
    •Edit own messages
    •Delete messages
    •Delete own messages
  • #1294: Gantt Chart: Show/Hide Right Menu -- The plugin does this job. I think this issue could be closed.
  • #2048: Code Review Module -- There is a plugin In my opinion it is very good and I propose #2048 to be closed.
  • #2184: Command line ticket creation? -- On Redmine's side REST API for creating issues is available. In my opinion #2184 could be closed....?
  • #5306: Separation of core and Redmine plugins -- This issue is outdated. Should be closed.
  • #5303: Add spent_hours to /issues/index API -- I feel that the author of the issue needs and it is already implemented. If this is true, it could be closed.
  • #5381: Issues of a deleted project are not deleted -- Tested just now: deleting project deletes its issues. Also tested with two projects with related issues:
    P1x with issue i1
    P1y with issue i2; i2 follows i1.
    Deleted P1y, i2 was deleted too, the relation in i1 was deleted (right).
    So, I feel that #5381 is a candidate for closing.
  • #5342: Add tracker information to projects in REST API -- I think this is already implemented: Another candidate for closure...
  • #5470: Avoid duplicate issue creation -- I commented in the issue: To close or not ... I don't know ...
  • #5551: Unable to edit issue - Description field is blank and not written to database on submit -- It seems this problem is specific to the author's Redmine instance. It has never happened in my practice. The issue is too old, related to ancient Redmine and in my opinion is a candidate for closure.
  • #3494: Browser "Back" to issue list displays wrong filter -- Similar to #5551, old Redmine, old Firefox. I commented in the issue A candidate for closure.
  • #3398: List assigned issues to the specified user -- I commented in the issue (this is solved by a plugin). My opinion is to close this issue.
  • #6632: Incomplete migration from Trac to Redmine. This issue is about migration from Trac 0.11.7 to Redmine 1.0.2. If we may think Redmine 1.0.2 enough ancient, this issue may be closed.
  • #6882: Plugin multilanguage not working. I did not encountered the problem described in the issue. We use several plugins that were localized in our Bulgarian language and there were no any problems. Reported Redmine version is 1.0.3 - I think too old one so I propose #6882 to be closed.
  • #5863: Remove All Plugins. I propose this should not be implemented because is dangerous. Here is my thoughts why this issue should be closed:

Max Horn

  • #287: Integrate with RubyFit
  • #730: Patch for #728 (display update timestamp outside yellow ticket) -- issue #728 was rejected, so this could be closed
  • #1022: Patch for #1003 -- issue #1003 was just rejected by Daniel ;-)
  • #1054: Hudson support for simple_ci
  • #3496: "Assign To" filter on "View all issues" page allows to select user which cannot be assigned
  • #4845: New "Task" tracker
  • #8302: Wrong columns displayed on Issue list
  • #8935: Password reset is required before a user can login after upgrading from 0.9.1 to 1.2.1 -- This is (a) outdated, and (b) it was not reproducible and the author also suggested that he made a mistake.
  • #8967: Missing entry in .YML file
  • #10598: wrong email setting in configuration.yml preventing redmine server from starting
  • #784: a request for Adobe AIR based Fatclient -> outdated and out of scope for the Redmine project
  • #978: requested functionality has long ago been implemented
  • #2173: Update the Git repository automatically -> no agreement yet whether this can be closed or not, but no response from the original reporter either
  • #2293: Logo for Redmine -> mostly out of date, except for the favicon which for some reason is not being used on
  • #3921: Google Wave + Twitter = Commie Plugin -> partially obsolete, and out of scope (better suited for a 3rd party project)
  • #4832: Symbian client for redmine -> Symbian is dead; request also seems to be better suited for a 3rd party project
  • #4833: mobile java client for redmine -> Mobile Java is dead; request also seems to be better suited for a 3rd party project
  • #6517: Redmine on MochaUI -> MochaUI is one of many JavaScript based HTML "uis", but far from being the most popular (indeed, it seems to be dead; last commit was 9 months ago); since Redmine is using JQuery already, it would make much more sense to use JQuery UI features, if that is desired; overall, request also seems to be better suited for a 3rd party project
  • #7255: cannot upgrade from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 (or to 1.0.2, or to 1.0.5) -> last activity two years ago, the involved version is ancient: close as out of date?
  • #8319: Redmine 113 failing to load properly(500 Internal Server Error) -> last activity two years ago, the involved version is ancient: close as out of date?
  • #8328: lost password feature not work -> last activity two years ago, can't replicate issue, insufficient data given: issue is most likely completely out of date, though one might want to give the poster a deadline of 1-2 weeks before closing
  • #8532: e-mail problem: Ruby on rail application could not started -> last activity two years ago, the involved version is ancient: close as out of date?
  • #8602: I cant see one of my projects shows internal error -> last activity two years ago, insufficient information given: close as out of date?
  • #8657: CSV export fails when issue has too much text -> last activity two years ago, issue seems to be in 3rd party software and not redmine itself, request for further information from 2 years ago as not answered: close as out of date?
  • #8962: Unknown variable or method salt when logging in -> last activity one year ago, the involved version is old; the issue seems to be a one-time issue specific to the installation of the submitted, i.e. this a support request, not clear that a bug in Redmine is involved. It seems unlikely that it still is an issue for the submitter (who probably either worked around it in some way, or gave up on Redmine long ago). Close as out of date?
  • #10012: Press EDIT in repository in last SVN version doesn't show any page -> issue could not be conformed, status set to "Can't reproduce" a year ago, no reaction from submitter: close as "can't reproduce" ?
  • #10762: the redmine_screenshot_paste could not support redmine 1.4.X -> bug report for a plugin, not appropriate for the redmine tracker, should be redirected to plugin author
  • #11035: Doesn't patch "User" model in a plugin -> the issue discussed in there seems to have been resolved almost a year ago, but then a discussion followed on various other things... I commented to that effect a month ago, but no reaction followed -> close as resolved?


  • #4329: Forum : subsections duplicates #3831 that was released, can be closed.

Bruce Svare

  • #6331 Give a role a permission to view/edit only his tickets. Can be closed, feature already exists in redmine.
  • #1093: Project overview page should display only trackers active in project. Can be closed, long since fixed. JP and Mischa both remember it being fixed before being posted.
  • #1103: Add deleting of wiki page individual versions. Can be closed, Duplicate of #10852
  • #12089: Hide Issue History. Seems to be related to #1554 - "Use private comments?"
  • #1587: Simple Phone Number and Address List for Users. Can be closed, works out of box as custom fields
  • #1475: Sort by subproject then by subject in issue tracker. Can be closed, works out of box.
  • #1016: Global Gant chart for all projects. Can be closed, works out of box.
  • #7328: Cloning/Duplicating an Issue with subtasks should allow to clone/duplicate the sub-tasks as well. Close be closed as duplicate of #7023
  • #9052: Latest plugins RSS. Link exists, question answered, can be closed.
  • #7428: Enabaling edit of issue custom field. Feature exists long ago, even has support for read only custom fields now. Can be closed.

Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago · 59 revisions