

Profile incomplete tickets vote count list(4,3 cases )

Added by Yuuki NARA over 7 years ago

This message is incomplete tickets vote count list(4,3 cases ) as of 2017/1/7

This message is a continuation of the following message. tickets vote count list(2019/12/22)

Messages were split because there are many cases(over 900)

I hope this list will be useful

If you agree with the list of ticket contents, please write + 1 comment to ticket.

Fill in "+1" on the first line. (To be counted)
Write down the reason on the second and subsequent lines.

Count IssueNo Tracker Status Category Subject Comment Updated TargetVersion Related
4 #5537 Feature New 0 Simplify Wiki cross-page linking 2011/05/06
4 #3995 Feature New 0 Upgrade to "Files" module 2012/11/15 #4238, #991, #1196
4 #10121 Feature New 0 Watchers - Add Group / Role 2016/02/13 #4511, #9918
4 #811 Patch New Accounts / authentication Username validation - allow spaces... 2015/01/08 #2638, #6166, #10810
4 #3433 Feature New Accounts / authentication Allow deletion of Pending User, not yet activated 2011/01/16 #7296, #3570, #3611, #4689
4 #3096 Feature New Accounts / authentication Lock accounts after X failed attempts 2015/03/11 #3155
4 #1237 Feature New Accounts / authentication Add support for one time passwords or two-factor authentication 2016/04/29 #699
4 #542 Feature New Administration Redmine automated backup/restore 2012/05/17
4 #3464 Feature New Administration columns "user_id" & "created_on" in tables like projects, documents & custom_fields... 2013/04/10
4 #4238 Feature New Attachments Have files be a complete, aggregated list of all documents in that project 2014/05/23 #4383, #3995, #5052
4 #11832 Feature New Calendar Interactive calendar 2015/09/01 #13259
4 #21577 Feature New Custom fields The version should get a status archived like projects 2016/09/19 #23265, #23855, #23858
4 #1767 Feature New Custom fields Make spent time - & project custom fields configurable/switchable per project 2015/05/13 #5127, #1853, #18358
4 #13839 Feature New Custom fields Custom fields presentation - Group custom fields in section / panel 2016/06/03 #11361
4 #1171 Feature New Custom fields Add workflow for custom fields 2014/02/12
4 #2722 Feature New Email notifications New user notification 2015/06/05 #3775, #1945
4 #2477 Feature New Email notifications mail reminder for watchers 2015/11/13 #3035
4 #2026 Feature New Email notifications Improve E-Mail notification templates 2016/10/22 #6221
4 #7555 Feature New Forums Private forums 2014/05/21 #4866
4 #8757 Patch New Hook requests Add hook for bulk edit post-save state 2016/08/29
4 #9412 Feature New Issues Drag and Drop Issues to Set Parent-Child Relationships 2015/04/19 #8016, #9183
4 #7319 Feature New Issues Repetitive tasks ? 2015/11/26 #1176
4 #5262 Feature New Issues Different priority levels for different trackers 2016/07/02 #6902, #12865
4 #3966 Feature New Issues Tickets Subcategories 2016/04/13 #2696, #5220
4 #3718 Feature New Issues Sevaral categories for an issue 2016/01/05 #5220
4 #2716 Feature New Issues Automatically add assignee to watchers 2016/10/28 #1737, #4347, #5561
4 #1973 Feature New Issues Hierarchical issue templates 2012/01/18 #443, #6715
4 #3058 Feature New Issues User Filtering of Issue History 2016/10/19 3.4.0 #3046, #15409, #8536, #4487
4 #9992 Feature New Issues Ability to filter issue subtasks in issue form 2014/11/13 Candidate for next major release #6118, #5325, #12860, #10927, #10553
4 #12089 Feature New Issues permissions Hide Issue History 2015/08/28
4 #8313 Feature New Issues workflow Restrict Assignee List by Role 2016/09/20 #8050, #12005, #2937, #212
4 #3517 Feature New Issues workflow Assign an issue to person based on the issue status 2016/08/29 #521, #10139, #482, #6708, #10947, #19231, #13299
4 #4755 Patch New LDAP Create and maintain groups from LDAP attributes 2012/01/19 #5742, #5702, #4643
4 #5195 Feature New Permissions and roles edit_own_issues and delete_own_issues permissions 2015/05/29 #7444, #1248, #6331, #19824
4 #15416 Feature New Project settings Role-based issue custom field visibility for projects 2016/09/07
4 #7982 Feature New Projects Folding project list (expand/collapse) 2015/06/23 #6522, #2117, #4913, #16939
4 #13347 Feature New REST API Filtering by issue subject with wildcard 2016/07/28
4 #13070 Feature New REST API Rest API, add repository to project 2014/06/23 #10417, #11977, #11203
4 #4585 Feature New Roadmap Move a Version from one project to another 2016/06/06 #8991
4 #3988 Feature Reopened SCM Show diff in revision page 2013/08/19 #4266, #2762, #2372, #1443, #6352, #7139
4 #1443 Feature New SCM Making the Repository module as nice as the Trac one 2012/02/01 #804, #1311, #4266, #2372, #3988
4 #11565 Feature New SCM change assignee on commit message 2015/02/24 #3783
4 #1349 Feature New SCM extra SVN Deployment managed by Redmine 2012/10/11
4 #4052 Feature New Text formatting Cross-project redmine links with alternate link text for source and export links. 2016/02/04 #779, #7409, #3346, #3483, #10248, #21443, #4667
4 #3382 Feature New Text formatting Ability to select only source code without line numbers 2014/07/17 Candidate for next major release #4267, #4264, #8578, #9613, #14469, #8255
4 #10248 Feature New Text formatting Specific text instead of addresses to the Redmine internal links 2014/08/26 Candidate for next major release #17060, #4052, #13595
4 #2623 Feature New Third-party libraries C# syntax highlighting 2013/10/26 Unplanned #24681
4 #3126 Feature New Time tracking Allow add spent time when creating a ticket 2015/04/03 #18129
4 #3816 Feature New UI Allow pasting screenshots like it's done in Jira 2014/10/30
4 #4301 Feature New Wiki position Wiki Toc in sidebar 2011/08/02
4 #1994 Feature New Wiki LaTEX support in Wiki, Forums and Issues 2014/01/16
4 #1208 Feature New Wiki Restructured text support for the wiki 2013/12/19 #1860
3 #6813 Feature New 0 List all users/roles who will be notified by an issue create/update and allow selection 2010/11/26
3 #5483 Feature New 0 Change subtask view 2011/04/03
3 #421 Feature New 0 Impersonate user feature 2015/01/27 #18609, #12119, #7693
3 #833 Feature New Accounts / authentication Who's online 2016/10/23
3 #7842 Feature New Accounts / authentication Creation new users by non-admin user 2016/02/07 #14440, #12449
3 #2336 Feature New Accounts / authentication Private messages 2013/06/12 #4240, #5155, #5956, #9287
3 #1113 Feature New Accounts / authentication Link LDAP groups with user accounts 2012/01/20 #5742, #5702
3 #1699 Feature New Attachments Ability to move wiki attachments from one page to another 2016/07/13
3 #2047 Feature New Attachments Add SVG support, like images 2016/12/23 Candidate for next major release
3 #22026 Feature New Custom fields Conditional custom fields 2016/12/05 #6717, #9734, #13143, #22621
3 #19224 Feature New Custom fields Custom fields / List - make user editable 2015/12/02 #13016, #6717
3 #5457 Feature New Documents Move files and documets to another project 2016/02/04 #5450, #5664, #14869
3 #9964 Feature New Email notifications Add/change email notification informations 2013/02/06
3 #5215 Feature New Email notifications Automatically notify project managers for unassigned tickets 2016/04/12
3 #487 Feature New Files Add Categories to Files 2016/10/11
3 #14582 Feature New Gantt Does redmine can display the critical path of gantt chart 2015/11/12
3 #10485 Feature New Gantt Add new context menu in Gantt view for each issue 2015/03/06 4.0.0
3 #980 Defect New Issues "For all projects" custom queries 2015/08/28 #1495, #1662, #11940, #7935, #1811, #5522, #7357, #14006
3 #9184 Feature New Issues Inline issue editing within list view/custom query 2015/06/09 #8016, #18564
3 #8629 Feature New Issues Allow assigning issues and/or watcher status to authenticated non members 2015/07/08 #7342
3 #5577 Feature New Issues Add Watcher based on issue category 2014/12/03 #6723, #7315
3 #4347 Feature New Issues Replying to an issue should automatically add the user to the watchers list 2016/10/28 #1737, #2716, #8523, #11520, #11405
3 #4154 Defect New Issues Automatic rescheduling by precedes issue-relation should be added to the journal 2016/01/15
3 #3344 Feature New Issues Exported by zip/tar.gz format from changeset 2010/09/16
3 #2665 Feature New Issues Filter on sub projects target version within the main project 2016/01/20 #4559, #3869
3 #1365 Feature New Issues Allow Project by Project setting of a 'Default' Tracker value including nil 2016/07/22 #1667, #23309, #21392, #14018
3 #11316 Feature Reopened Issues Automatic update of related issues 2016/05/02 #17947, #11613
3 #10897 Feature New Issues Offer an advanced issue query language as an alternative to it's current UI 2015/10/25 #9180, #15781
3 #9432 Feature New Issues Default value for the private issue flag 2014/10/23 Candidate for next major release #7414, #17132, #14390, #20102, #24636
3 #8160 Feature New Issues Extend watched_by_me-issue filter to include all project-members instead of only <<me>>-substitution 2016/11/05 Candidate for next minor release #4501, #15347, #10912
3 #5115 Feature New Issues filter Assignee & Target version issuelist filters: allow to specify multiple selections (e.g. x OR blank) 2016/02/20 #5535, #3868, #8320
3 #3952 Feature New Issues filter Filtering by subproject still shows current project's issues 2016/12/24 #5388, #8853, #2512
3 #5239 Feature New Issues permissions privilege to assign an issue 2010/10/08
3 #2538 Feature New Issues permissions Fine-grain controll over ticket view permissions 2009/04/12
3 #4367 Feature New Issues planning Ability to delete an issue status that is in use 2015/03/12
3 #521 Feature New Issues workflow Add preference to auto-reassign back to author on resolve or feedback 2015/07/08 #3517
3 #908 Feature New News Add global News 2011/06/30 #4620
3 #3780 Defect New OpenID Attribute exchange with OpenID providers 2013/03/15 #11778
3 #6280 Feature New PDF export Multi-issue PDF export 2012/05/12 #69, #10869, #1564
3 #364 Feature New PDF export Create a proejct report in PDF 2011/03/23
3 #1564 Feature New PDF export PDF export of all issues with all information 2012/03/20 #702, #4742, #6280
3 #3088 Feature New Permissions and roles Estimated hours field able to hide role based 2013/01/13 #3976
3 #9915 Feature New Plugin API View hook just after top-menu. 2012/02/28
3 #5839 Feature New Projects Trackers for projects. To track projects the same we keep track of issues 2012/02/01 #3224
3 #1517 Feature New Projects Cumulative flow diagrams of trackers as some sort of project burn down graph 2014/10/05
3 #8900 Feature New REST API Restful Web service: generate WADL 2012/01/12
3 #18126 Feature New Roadmap Allow setting up version hierarchy 2016/06/27 #13387, #8991
3 #1342 Feature New Roadmap Global versions roadmap 2012/12/18 Candidate for next major release #8099, #9697
3 #3687 Feature New SCM Possibility to link all projects to a single SVN repository 2015/06/30 #6857, #1657, #2255, #2256, #779
3 #2525 Patch New SCM Redmine management of Git repositories 2013/09/23 #7747
3 #232 Patch New SCM SCM URL/ROOT Information on Repository Page 2016/02/15 #4567, #3808, #1038
3 #1948 Feature New SCM Display Git Submodule 2011/10/24
3 #11414 Feature New SCM Ignore whitespace when using GIT 2014/07/01 #1476, #14034, #2235
3 #7061 Feature New SCM extra Use in nginx 2016/12/03
3 #4138 Feature New Search engine Add spent time comments in search 2013/12/16 Candidate for next minor release #992, #3082, #9063, #13693
3 #9202 Feature New Text formatting SCM tag reference in wiki 2012/05/08
3 #3671 Feature New Text formatting We want smileys in text formatting!:)) 2014/05/23
3 #7239 Feature New Time tracking Allow some users to add / edit time entries on behalf of other users 2013/04/05 #3848, #9276, #6486
3 #573 Feature New Time tracking Spend time and Activity enhancement 2016/05/29 #938
3 #11390 Feature New Time tracking Estimated time per person/activity 2013/03/21 #13105
3 #6984 Feature New UI Configure order/position and visbility of tabs in menu 2016/07/19 #6624, #10718, #12789, #15880
3 #3606 Patch New UI Copy queries 2016/06/16 #3319, #5858
3 #3207 Feature New UI Better Breadcrumbs 2012/11/21
3 #2778 Feature New UI Project's theme configuration 2014/01/28 #233, #4015, #24282
3 #2705 Feature New UI "Jump to a project..." drop-down should list public projects 2016/11/04 #7751, #14078
3 #1081 Patch New UI Add Activity block to My Page 2014/07/05 #12789, #2471, #18422
3 #5593 Defect New UI Meanless settings for workflow 2015/07/29 Candidate for next major release #5816, #16364
3 #3300 Feature New UI Default project for user 2014/02/17 Candidate for next major release
3 #12032 Patch New UI Collapsible Sidebar 2015/05/04 Candidate for next major release #10525, #21808, #12877
3 #480 Feature New Wiki Wiki: Support categories tagging and autolisting 2012/12/05 #472, #2897, #1238, #3200
3 #1106 Feature New Wiki Embeded repository images in the wiki 2014/05/19