

Profile incomplete tickets vote count list(over 5 cases 2017/01)

Added by Yuuki NARA almost 7 years ago

This message is incomplete tickets vote count list(over 5cases ) as of 2017/1/7

This message is a continuation of the following message. tickets vote count list(2019/12/22)

Messages were split because there are many cases(over 900)

I hope this list will be useful

If you agree with the list of ticket contents, please write + 1 comment to ticket.

Fill in "+1" on the first line. (To be counted)
Write down the reason on the second and subsequent lines.

Count IssueNo Tracker Status Category Subject Comment Updated TargetVersion Related
66 #1448 Feature New Issues Add tags to issues 2017/01/06 #2897, #9616
44 #1176 Feature New Issues Recurring Tasks 2016/05/09 #7319, #10839, #20821
42 #5358 Feature New Issues Share Issues Categories for sub-projects 2017/01/06 #11898, #1878, #6794, #16941, #5186, #4159, #12362, #12215
42 #1040 Feature Reopened UI Global wiki 2016/12/27 #3048, #13722, #1982, #907, #381, #6027, #7642
40 #1739 Feature New Issues Add ability to change issue owner 2017/01/04 Unplanned #6373, #4805, #7896, #2035, #3642, #3799, #9701, #14465, #23460
38 #1853 Feature New Projects Make Projects truly independent of each other 2016/12/06 Candidate for next major release #2076, #973, #2905, #850, #552, #1086, #3967, #4015, #1767, #9194, #10027, #5127, #7349, #13742, #4462, #18424, #18425
37 #3647 Feature New Importers Data Import/Export System 2016/08/05 #17259, #7884, #9993
36 #1011 Feature New Issues Add voting to tickets 2016/02/21 #8299, #6945, #1158, #17288, #8478, #11200, #16050, #11655
30 #973 Feature New Issues workflow Assign different status sets and workflows for separate projects 2016/11/02 #1853, #3726, #2905, #1966, #2240, #285, #4828, #10331, #7839, #5991, #6436, #10039
30 #12005 Feature New Issues workflow Mightful workflow field enhancement: hide 2016/07/05 #8050, #5011, #4707, #9736, #5037, #8313, #9421, #8162, #2618, #10140, #10162, #12954, #2979, #2539, #4670, #11853, #4485, #15782, #15918, #12249, #11329, #8302, #13729, #12745, #11963, #14162
28 #7360 Feature New Issues Issue Custom Query: Default Query 2017/01/06 Unplanned #8479, #5515, #4015, #22156, #13508, #7999, #12689, #7244, #16102, #2829, #7993
28 #2636 Feature New Wiki Feature Request: Wiki ACLs (Access control for individual pages) 2016/12/19 #1086, #8392
27 #1712 Feature New Custom fields add custom fields that are calculations of other fields 2015/11/18 #8177, #8599, #17535, #17582
26 #1248 Feature New Permissions and roles Permissions - Edit own issues 2016/12/28 Candidate for next major release #7444, #5195, #8805, #6194
25 #8016 Feature New Issues Drag-and-drop issue (ticket) ordering 2016/09/06 #9183, #9412, #9184, #22802
25 #3224 Feature New Projects Better project list 2016/05/25 Candidate for next major release #7339, #7091, #5839, #9207, #9697, #2117, #12789, #5920, #6655, #9075, #3174, #6319
23 #2024 Feature New Gantt gantt chart editing 2016/02/22 #15396, #1806, #3062, #6276
23 #2585 Feature New Projects Add Modules to hide/display Overview, Activity, Roadmap 2016/09/12 #9930, #4955
20 #1380 Feature New Issues Deleting an issue only marks it as being deleted 2016/11/22 #6666, #7900, #18027
20 #643 Feature New Issues Issue description templates 2016/09/06 Candidate for next major release #2931, #6715, #12807, #3153
17 #7907 Feature New Issues Display Issues in a hierarchy (tree) 2016/10/21 #6116, #10048, #5275, #6320, #10296, #7417, #12648, #20099
17 #1086 Feature New Permissions and roles Fine grained permissions 2016/12/06 #1853, #2636, #4550, #2076, #1428
16 #7900 Feature New Issues Restore issue 2016/12/08 #1380, #6666
16 #6666 Feature New Issues Soft delete of issues 2016/02/18 #1380, #7900, #18027, #8942, #12585, #16465, #21618
16 #4511 Feature New Issues Allowing to add user groups as watchers for issues 2015/10/27 #10121, #13513, #4244
16 #1278 Feature New Issues Creating global (default) categories. 2016/02/22 #2521
16 #8991 Feature New Roadmap Nested versions for projects with sub-projects 2016/09/06 #374, #13387, #4585, #18126, #22790
15 #8241 Feature New Email notifications Advanced notification: per user, per project configurable schedule, event filter and notification format 2016/08/30 #11894, #11619, #8406, #8675, #415, #8409, #7349, #2549, #8382, #8374, #3069, #23565, #8331, #11996, #8268, #3857
15 #2035 Feature New Issues Issue reporter should be editable 2016/12/05 #1739
15 #8488 Feature New Issues Create an 'Involve' mechanism to private issues 2016/08/09 Candidate for next major release #7414, #7412, #11888, #12945, #12666, #13512, #13533, #285, #16845, #22977, #23546, #9330, #10173, #12584, #11718, #13828, #14318
15 #11313 Feature New Issues workflow Automatic closing of resolved issues 2016/07/19 Candidate for next major release #1306, #16769
15 #3967 Feature Reopened Projects Ability to define default columns to display based on project 2016/09/15 #4015, #1853, #1943, #2022, #3318
14 #7849 Feature New Issues custom issue relation types 2014/10/06 #13690, #15340, #16117, #18034, #11276, #11311
14 #2117 Feature New UI Alternative view for "Projects" page 2015/07/03 #7982, #6522, #3224, #805, #700
13 #1263 Feature New Importers Dokuwiki importer. 2012/10/29
13 #1624 Feature New Issues Issue merging 2016/08/31 #7997, #3708, #6900
13 #11969 Feature New Issues Subtask display fields 2016/12/06 #14017
13 #4939 Feature New Issues filter List of tasks filtered as OR and not AND 2016/07/08 #10999, #7641, #12970, #6332, #10421, #21532, #23211, #23216
12 #415 Feature New Email notifications Daily Digest option for Mail Notifications 2015/11/12 #3410, #8241, #8342, #1634, #3412
12 #10999 Feature New Issues filter Ticket list filter: More flexible filter conditions 2016/11/10 #1140, #4939, #13635, #23216
12 #2937 Feature New Issues workflow Filter assignable users based on workflow 2016/03/31 #7521, #212, #8313
12 #5283 Feature New Projects Allow more than one parent project i.e. share subprojects 2015/09/18 #9197, #298
12 #4687 Feature New Projects Add copy project permission 2016/09/19 #17961, #13373
12 #1196 Feature New Projects Add versioning for Files and Documents 2010/10/12 #3995, #991
12 #5275 Feature New Roadmap Show tree of issues instead of a list in Roadmap 2015/12/17 #7907, #6979
12 #8417 Feature New UI per tracker configurable issue form layout with preview 2016/12/07 #8447, #4388, #7784, #12250, #3543
12 #4602 Feature New UI User specific theme 2016/11/17 #13035, #5987, #5579, #5993
11 #2897 Feature New 0 Tagging in Redmine 2017/01/06 #480, #1448, #6918
11 #7774 Feature New Administration Sub groups or Multi-level groups 2016/11/17 #6772, #20228
11 #685 Feature New Custom fields New Custom Field "Found in Version" 2016/07/02 #1675, #7443, #18560, #14250
11 #3071 Feature New Documents connect ecm systems to redmine 2015/04/13
11 #7697 Feature New Forums Extend watchers functionality of wiki and forums to be like issues 2015/09/15 #7652, #2064
11 #2677 Feature New Issues Show "unread" items in the issue list 2015/06/22 #3562, #3509, #4466
11 #3082 Feature New SCM Repository Search 2015/08/07 #4138, #1329
11 #2069 Feature New Text formatting Wiki syntax to link to files in the files-module 2016/08/19 Unplanned #543, #2195, #867
11 #6945 Feature New Website ( Add a voting system to help users help admins identify popular features/defects 2016/02/21 #1011, #11655, #17288, #21519
10 #12444 Feature New Administration Ability to "set as default" settings when creating users 2016/11/26 #16484
10 #11361 Feature New Custom fields Custom Field Groups, and User Specific Fields 2016/06/22 #13839
10 #3760 Feature New Email notifications E-mail notifications for issue update/creation should include the attachments in the email 2017/01/03 #2770, #12293, #12516, #4242
10 #1142 Feature New Email notifications CC list for issues #276 2016/02/07 #1133, #1255
10 #1077 Feature New Feeds ICS view of Calendar 2016/03/30 #1442, #6168
10 #1460 Feature New Importers Project Plan import/export utility 2011/10/07
10 #1266 Feature New Roadmap Feature: Allow setting multiple target-milestones 2016/07/27 #1675, #219, #5510, #5272
10 #8383 Patch New UI Display subprojects as individual unordered list items on project overview 2016/08/05
10 #6401 Feature New Wiki Make Wiki Redirects editable 2015/08/14
9 #6856 Feature New Accounts / authentication Shibboleth authentication and SSO support 2016/12/03 #12330
9 #5127 Feature New Custom fields Custom Fields to be configurable on 'per project' basis 2016/10/26 #1767, #4015, #10027, #1853, #16383, #18425
9 #991 Feature New Documents Document versioning 2014/06/22 #3995, #1196, #800, #736, #2555
9 #5458 Feature New Issues Extend Start/Due date to include time 2016/11/17 #13834, #15021, #11044, #13782, #1885, #20820
9 #12579 Feature New Issues Ability to assign issues to multiple users 2016/05/19 #408, #15809, #24286
9 #11898 Patch New Issues Inheritable issue categories 2017/01/06 #5358
9 #559 Feature New Issues workflow Workflow Enhancements 2014/10/05 Unplanned #12878, #2448, #12647
9 #4015 Feature New Projects Make app settings overridable at project level 2013/07/02 Candidate for next major release #2778, #3967, #4462, #4049, #1853, #2076, #5995, #4274, #850, #2539, #2058, #10027, #5127, #2563, #7349, #1144, #12347, #12044, #3316, #432, #13742, #14073, #8095, #7360
9 #2870 Feature New SCM Recursive download from the repository 2014/05/01 #5166, #7044
9 #5061 Feature New Time tracking Show time log entries in issue history 2014/04/02 #578, #12264, #4371, #5372, #12198
9 #938 Feature New Time tracking Add default Activity value per user 2016/05/29 Unplanned #1605, #573
9 #1233 Feature New UI change default homepage to My page 2016/08/23 Candidate for next major release #664, #429, #4349, #6464, #5232
8 #2728 Feature New 0 Offline Support 2013/04/19 #4516
8 #2340 Feature New Accounts / authentication Self-registration needs captcha 2013/07/03 #5073, #675, #8130
8 #9734 Feature New Custom fields Custom field , value list from database query 2016/10/06 #6717, #22026, #12224, #19237
8 #3035 Feature New Email notifications Reminder at start-date 2016/07/19 Candidate for next major release #2477, #5454, #9270
8 #6417 Feature New Gantt Allow collapse/expand in Gantt chart 2016/02/19 #8897, #13063, #11636
8 #8307 Feature New Issues Automatically update parent issue status based on child issue statuses 2015/03/27
8 #6217 Feature New Issues When creating a subtask, pre-fill fields Target version, Category & Start- and Due date based on parent values 2014/07/14 #6117, #13585
8 #2931 Patch New Issues Templating for description of new tickets by Tracker 2015/07/07 Candidate for next major release #1138, #643
8 #1953 Feature New Issues planning Due date calculation based on developer's estimations 2014/05/07 Unplanned #2687
8 #1691 Feature New Time tracking Resources workload 2015/03/17 #2771
8 #1422 Feature New UI Date selection for Activity Page 2017/01/05 #3474
8 #668 Defect New UI Date input fields don't respect date format settings 2016/12/09 Candidate for next major release #6450, #10560, #2273, #4451, #5316, #10327, #12179, #12478, #14857
7 #2770 Feature Reopened Attachments Display of inline attached images in email notification 2015/07/27 Candidate for next minor release #3760, #16989, #9131, #5672
7 #6717 Feature New Custom fields Custom list field with dynamic list content 2016/11/25 #6716, #2096, #13016, #9734, #13143, #15177, #19224, #22026
7 #4868 Feature New Documents Ability to add permissions to Document categories 2012/11/18 #4550
7 #5990 Feature New Email notifications Email notification should reflect user language setting 2016/12/07 #6409, #8137, #8058, #7681
7 #3972 Feature New I18n Translation for field values 2016/02/18 #4668, #4886, #6040, #7113, #15575, #12295
7 #10048 Defect New Issues Secondary sorting after sorting by parent task 2015/11/27 #7907, #14432, #20123
7 #8192 Feature New Issues filter Make a global category filter available from issues list at All Issues level 2016/08/31 #5576, #6793, #23198
7 #2048 Feature New Plugin Request Code Review Module 2013/09/23 #7747, #1339, #469
7 #7402 Feature New REST API REST API - Enumerations 2013/12/27 Candidate for next major release #7180, #7819, #9835, #8596, #11169
7 #1339 Feature New SCM Comments on revisions 2015/11/17 Candidate for next major release #2048, #1687, #2545, #3273, #13278
7 #1232 Feature New SCM Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages 2013/10/05 Candidate for next major release #1518, #7445, #4321, #4648, #4911, #11924, #12158
7 #10078 Feature New Text formatting Definition List support 2016/02/10 #6269
7 #14130 Feature New Time tracking Spent Time Report Filter options 2016/10/04 #13558
7 #3547 Feature New Wiki Wiki include macro: add ability to include single section 2016/12/30 #4372
6 #12677 Feature New Attachments Private attachments for issues 2016/06/27 #12401, #17220, #15971
6 #13919 Feature New Core Plugins Mention user on comment/description using @user with autocomplete 2016/11/17 #4179, #15828, #16478
6 #16098 Feature New Email notifications On relation change/add notification setting #273 2016/11/07 #5238, #10792, #17208
6 #8568 Feature New Issues add ability to designate default watchers by tracker/project 2016/06/25 #1602, #12155, #13787
6 #5238 Feature New Issues Related issues option accessible during issue creation 2016/07/29 #1881, #16098, #987, #8440
6 #11069 Feature New Issues Ability to search tasks of Locked Users 2016/10/20 #15201, #24568
6 #2529 Feature New Issues Extend Issue Summary Report to optionally include sub projects 2015/12/09 Candidate for next major release #2595, #5419, #8427, #7970, #6222, #6121, #4424, #12492
6 #14418 Feature New Issues Copy inner issues relations along with issues 2016/12/02 Candidate for next major release #11647
6 #6687 Feature New Issues Making an issue a subtask leads to loss of issue-property values 2015/10/11 Candidate for next minor release #5490, #5875, #9991, #13775, #14118
6 #15201 Feature New Issues filter Filter "Assignee" should contain locked users 2016/10/20 #11069, #15602
6 #302 Feature New Projects Enhance project parent/child relationship 2016/01/20 #4128
6 #16069 Patch New REST API Allow configuration of API limit instead of hardcoding at 100 2016/09/20 Candidate for next major release #7539
6 #6974 Feature New Roadmap Define manually the versions order in Roadmap (when date isn't defined) 2016/11/01 #6881, #12814, #8080, #13681
6 #2799 Feature New SCM Support for Bazaar's shared reposetories (created with init-repo) 2013/01/25 #4455, #4262, #4741, #2510, #2664, #3559, #7524, #8030, #5357, #7648, #7146, #4273, #7984, #12973
6 #2214 Feature New SCM Autocreate repositories 2012/10/28 #1833
6 #440 Feature New Time tracking Time tracking stopwatch 2013/05/23 #1650, #5173, #6518, #4035, #4601, #12212, #14120, #20385
6 #5840 Feature New UI Live lookup of the existing issues based on the keywords entered in the title for new issue 2015/06/24 Unplanned #9180, #5492, #5470, #5859, #9642, #12240
6 #1330 Feature New Wiki Copy a Wiki Page 2014/05/28
5 #7545 Feature New 0 Calculate the issue done ratio 2014/03/06 #12347, #11999
5 #3956 Feature New Accounts / authentication Login by Email 2015/07/19 #3208, #8186
5 #12330 Feature New Accounts / authentication Integrate Kerberos Authentication 2016/08/18 #2356, #6856
5 #7342 Feature New Accounts / authentication Default "Everyone" / "Authenticated Users" group for all users 2014/03/09 Candidate for next major release #8629
5 #7142 Feature New Calendar Calendar/Gannt skip weekends 2012/06/25 #2161
5 #13143 Feature New Custom fields Populate dropdown custom field list based on previous another selection 2016/11/25 #6717, #22026, #19875
5 #8409 Feature New Email notifications single email for bulk updates 2016/12/01 #8241, #5798, #4326, #4057
5 #8223 Feature New Email notifications Email all users 2016/03/24 #4864
5 #7349 Feature New Email notifications Per-project email notification settings 2015/11/20 #4015, #8241, #1853, #13742, #4462, #23565, #3452, #6080, #19047
5 #6229 Feature New Email notifications Control Email Notifications By Tracker (Issue Type) 2016/03/25 #13582
5 #5140 Feature New Email notifications email notification when related blocking issues get closed 2016/07/27 #4985
5 #432 Feature New Email notifications Custom Email templates, system wide and per project, through web interface. 2013/02/19 #4015
5 #3660 Feature New Email notifications Configurable subject of notification email for issue_add/issue_edit 2015/08/17 #13111
5 #1616 Patch New Email receiving Allow email to create and reply to forum messages 2014/05/20 #7790, #15141, #16006
5 #13844 Feature New Email receiving Option to enable HTML emails for issue creation. 2016/06/27
5 #8879 Feature New Files Update option for documents and files 2014/12/14 Candidate for next major release #1326, #3151
5 #13606 Defect New Gantt PDF and PNG export of Gantt loses issue numbers 2015/10/15 #16377
5 #10541 Feature New Gantt Fixed start date for gantt chart (per project) 2014/11/05 #9296, #7552
5 #6182 Defect New I18n Localized decimal numbers 2016/08/24 Candidate for next major release #8079
5 #675 Feature New Issues Anti-spam or captcha for issues 2012/11/13 #3283, #1354, #5274, #2340, #6897
5 #5220 Feature New Issues Subcategories or multiple category tags or multi-select custom fields 2016/02/10 #1189, #3718, #3966, #15387, #7761
5 #12388 Feature New Issues diffs for editions of issue/notes entries 2016/08/25
5 #442 Feature New Issues Add a description for trackers 2015/06/17 Candidate for next major release #2568, #366, #5201, #5026, #9256, #15018
5 #4550 Feature New Permissions and roles Allow access to files & documents to be configurable for each entry by user role 2016/01/30 #4868, #1086
5 #4427 Feature New Permissions and roles Create a new type of role for not project specific maintenance 2015/04/20 #4431, #6728, #6670, #6800
5 #1543 Feature New Permissions and roles Setting permissions for viewing the Activity page. 2016/11/15 Candidate for next major release #849
5 #4864 Feature New Plugin Request Global statistics about Redmine usage 2016/07/13 #2181, #592, #8223
5 #15021 Feature New Project settings Service Level Agreement (SLA), more user-friendly email configuration, add any other notifications 2016/07/29 #15152, #5458, #13747, #12222
5 #5665 Feature New SCM Subversion: there is no information about property changes 2012/05/01 #6877, #6876
5 #6269 Feature New Text formatting RedCloth 4 support 2016/08/24 #10078, #8055, #6376, #10889, #10758, #14038, #16149, #6796, #20425, #6910, #2219, #7533
5 #10189 Defect New Text formatting Inline image does not work with spaces in file name 2016/11/17 #10182, #17679, #13375
5 #8505 Feature New Time tracking Log Time for Multiple Users 2015/07/24 #3848
5 #664 Feature New UI User can choose what page he want's to be Start page 2014/08/28 #1233, #6464
5 #1213 Feature New Wiki Allow Slashes in wiki URLs 2016/04/10 #21549